Saturday, November 04, 2006


I had a request for a simple gold and silver chain - something with links, something delicate and elegant. I hope this meets the criteria! I added the extra links so that you could use them to dangle things or charms from the chains? Hope you enjoy!

Yesterday was filled from end to end - and to late! Miles worked on computer 'stuff' all morning at the school until noon. He had a meeting in Penticton at 2, so he came and collected me and we headed off. After the meeting, we had arranged to drop our Volkswagen van (our second home) off at our mechanics place in Summerland. We were sending 'her' in to get her starter replaced... and decided that while she was there we might bite the bullet and have the fan in the dash fixed - been w/o for a year now. Apperently, to fix this, the entire dash board has to be removed - a BIG undertaking! Well, since that was coming off, lets fix the cigarette lighter so Miles can charge his cell phone... and hey, with the dash off, its a terrific opportunity to see why the lights in the upper part of the back of the van don't work! Hmmm... guess we know what we are getting for Christmas. Its worth it tho, as we camp year round. The van has all we need including a furnace, sink etc.

The garage always gives us a courtesy car, and its always an adventure seeing what we will end up with. This round finds us in a sporty little Golf. We decided to fuel up before leaving Summerland and it was a good thing b/c when we arrived at the pumps we could not, for the life of us figure out how to open the little door to the gas tank. I was squirming in my seat as we ransacked the dash for the manual and tried to decipher the instructions, thinking that the people behind the counter would by now be thinking we had stolen this vehicle. We didn't get it sorted, and had to drive back to the garage, where they showed us in 1 minute how to get in. LOL I am sure glad this did not happen to us in Kelowna!


Then it was off to visit our daughter and meet her boyfriend, Dan. Nice Guy! After taking some pics of her handsome cat, Winston, we were taken to an upscale funky restaurant called the Cactus Club. Good Italian Food and brisk atmosphere - meybe a tad too much so, as we had to shout over everyone to have a meaningful conversation. It was sooo good to have time together. Thanks Sweetie Mel!


Yep, these are yet more REAL and Corny Cowboy Tune titles:

  • If You Can't Live Without Me, Why Aren't You Dead?
  • If You Don't Leave Me Alone, I'll Go And Find Someone Else Who Will
  • If You Don't Leave Me, I'll Find Someone Who Will
  • If You Got the Money, Honey, I Got the Time
  • If You Leave Me I'm Gone
  • If You Leave Me, Can I Come Too?
  • If You Really Loved Me, You'd Leave
  • If You Want to Keep the Beer Real Cold, Put it Next to My Ex-Wife's Heart
  • If You Want Your Freedom PDQ, Divorce Me COD
  • If You're Gonna Do Me Wrong, Do It Right
  • I'll Tennessee You In My Dreams
  • I'm Drinkin Christmas Dinner (All Alone This Year)
  • I'm Gettin' Gray From Being Blue.
  • I'm Gonna Hire A Wino To Decorate Our Home.
  • I'm Gonna Put a Bar in the Back of my Car and Drive Myself to Drink
  • I'm Havin' Daydreams About Night Things In The Middle Of The Afternoon.
  • I'm Here To Get My Baby Out Of Jail
  • I'm In Love With A Capital U
  • I'm Just A Bug On The Windshield Of Life.
  • I'm Just an Old Chunk of Coal (But I'm Gonna be a Diamond Someday)
  • I'm Not Married But The Wife Is.
  • I'm Quittin' Wild Turkey Cold Turkey
  • I'm So Miserable Without You, It's Like Having You Here.


Some Crafty Scrappy Ideas

I was contacted earlier in the week by Juie who has begun a new Scrapbooking sort of crafty site, which has some TERRIFIC ideas of things that you can create. I highly recommend you take a tour over there and pick out some wonderful ideas of things you can make and do! Hmmm... who knows if you might see one of my own ideas featured one day soon?



  1. Thank you for the beautiful chains and links! Oh and the pic of your beautiful daughter and the link to the cool scrapbooking site too... lol. :D

  2. Thank You for sharing the fantastic chains!
    Your daughter is absolutely beautiful and her boyfriends cute too! Oh my can't forget Winston, he's cute too!

  3. Mel looks so happy ..I am glad for her the elements...and winston what a cat

  4. Thank you for the chains they are beautiful. Your daughter is beautiful too!

  5. Oh Mrs. Miles - you are a darling. They are EXACTALLY how I pictured them!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!

  6. Thank You for the chains... beautiful!
    Thanks even more for the smile I have on my face while reading your blog. I enjoy your life... you have so much to offer and you are so very thoughtfull! Hugs

  7. Thank you for the chains very beautiful.

  8. Thank you for the simple chains, they are GREAT! THFS


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