Tuesday, November 28, 2006


I hope you like my first forays into the 'grunge' side of designing! ;)

Oh Baby, its cold outside! I'm not complaining... I actually love it being this cold, other than the danger side of things. In my unscientific thinking I somehow have it in my head that a good deep freeze is something that is needed once in a while. I would certainly like to think it might have an effect on the Pine Beetle problem we have in BC. In case you are reading my blog from somewhere on the other side of the world, Pine Beetles are pests which bore under the bark of pine trees and they are really wiping out our pine trees all over.


I have been really thinking about our last message at church that our Pastor preached... and I feel moved to share with you some bits of it. I am hoping if you are in a difficult place right now, perhaps struggling with your faith that the words I share might uplift you. I know its easy for us to be faithful when things are all going smooth, but what about those times when its just a labor to live - to merely get through a day. This is the time your faith is REALLY tested. This is the time that tests the mettle of your faith. A few bits of wisdome Pastor Ed shared are these:

Anybody can praise the Lord on the DRY side of the Red Sea! (Once the crisis has past, after we have been delivered... but where does our praise stand in the face of the enemy falling upon us an the wet, wet sea stretched out before us, with seeminly nowhere for us to go?)

God would say to us DON'T STOP believing.

Give your uncertainty to Him.

Faith that is not tested is USELESS!

God is, in every way, worthy of our confidence and unwavering faith.

Psalm 34:1

I will extol the LORD at all times;
his praise will always be on my lips.

1 John 5:4

for everyone born of God overcomes the world.
This is the victory that has overcome the world,
even our faith.

Pastor speaks a very clear word and if you are finding yourself thirsting for some water - some words of wisdom and encouragement you can find his complete message on his Sword and Trowel Blog - Entry "HAVING A BAD DAY?"

I also need to share another resource with you - its on my heart. If you are looking for a very meaningful gift for your spouse, newly weds, anniversary, or to a couple who will be married soon, I would strongly suggest you check out this one book "Sacred Marriage" by Dr. Gary Thomas. The subtitle to this book is "What If God Designed Marriage to Make Us Holy More Than to Make Us Happy?" Intriquing idea, no? You can even read the first chapter of his book HERE. When Miles and I guided some weekend marriage bible studies, we looked at over 50 marriage books, and this one stood hands above the others, in its easy reading and clear principals and good sound advice.

I promised you some looks at Marie's fridge the other day... and so here you are! Marie (the lady with the sweet, sweet alpacas, has not one speck of real estate left on her fridge for it's covered from top to bottom with fridge magnets she collected on thier travels through the years. In the close up you will notice she has actually assembled the entire USA! Get this... when she ran out of room here she began plying her washer and dryer... LOL!

Today's oxymorons:

good grief
good junk
good profanity
good stuff
gourmet fast food
gourmet hamburger
gourmet pizza
gourmet sandwich
government aid
government assistance
government efficiency
government integrity
government initiative
government intelligence
government organization
graduate student
Grand Children
grape nuts
graphic language
graphite irons
great depression
greater evil
green blackberries
green manufacturing
green oranges
gregarious recluse
grotesque beauty
grounded airplane
group of individuals
growing small
guaranteed forecast
guest host
gummily brittle
gunboat diplomacy


A man observed a sign in the window of a restaurant that read Unique Breakfast, so he walked in and sat down.The waitress brought him his coffee and asked him what he wanted."What's your Unique Breakfast?" he asked."Baked tongue of chicken!" she proudly replied."Baked tongue of chicken? Baked tongue of chicken! Do you have any idea how disgusting that is? I would never even consider eating anything that came out of a chicken's mouth!" he fumed.Undaunted, the waitress asked, "What would you like, then?""Just bring me some scrambled eggs," the man replied.

I know... ewwww!

a SAFE place to put your 'stuff'

Well, you all know I have been having a dickens of a time finding a place to upload and host my elements and 'stuff'... because I refuse to host at a place that will offer you nasty ads or questionable material... and I have found the very place. I am impressed because when you upload it says the following underneath the upload window:

By clicking upload you confirm that your upload is not pornographic, copyrighted, or otherwise illegal.

Finally, a place with integrity! You will notice I have also posted a permanent link on the left hand side of my blog so you can always find it here.


  1. Wonderful grunge! I love they overlay the most! And thank you for the nice comments on my blog!
    Do you have an email addy where I can contact you for the sharing of stuff you asked for. If you don't want to share it online, mine is up on my blog.

  2. TYS this awesome grunge I also love the overlay!!!

  3. Thank you so much for the wonderful paper and overlay. I hope you do more grunge!

  4. Thank you for your Blog!!

    Thank you for the freebie papers... I love them.

    Hugs.. Joy

  5. Gorgeous paper! Love that overlay... may be we can get it seperate too? Hmmmm, pretty, pretty please? Lol. Great job! And love that photo and how you framed it in the leaves. I soooo miss mountains! Funny joke too! And now Amelia is awake and crying... gotta run. Thanks for the fun... as usual. :D

  6. Thank you for the beautiful paper!

  7. Thank you - this is so beautiful !

  8. thanks for the laughs, great job on the grunge papers and the overlay is pretty too

  9. Loved your paper!! Thank you so much for sharing.

  10. Wonderful grunge paper! I wish it was a little cooler here in FL, or at least not 84 degrees!! Go figure, the other day, parts of FL had snow flurries and today it was 84!! Your pastor has some really interesting sermons. It is so true how easy it is to praise God when the going is good, but we still need to Praise him for our trials! Marie's fridge cracks me up and so did the joke! Thanks. :)

  11. Nice job on the grunge! I love the overlay. Appreciate you sharing your talent. cg

  12. I love the unique color and look of your grunge and snowflake. And I so appreciate your finding a download place that doesn't present disgusting ads.

    May I add a poem to your comments today-- it's at http://www.atthewell.com/faith

  13. Really like your grundge. Gorgeous!

  14. REally lovely, very original, I like it a lot! Thanks so much!

  15. Love the grunge set. Don't let this be the last foray into the 'grunge' side of designing. Your work is wonderful! Thanks for sharing.

  16. Thanks for sharing. I especially like the snowflake overlay!

  17. TFS! Love the grunge paper and overlay!

  18. Thanks! This is beautiful!

  19. Just love your overlay!!!!! Thanks so much!!!!

  20. Hi!

    Its my first time here.
    I saw beautiful LO's in Amy's blog with your wonderfull overlay and I came here to download it!
    It's very very beautiful!
    Thanks for sharing:)

    Greetings from Portugal*

  21. The icy overlay is gorgeous! Thanx for sharing!!!


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