Sunday, November 05, 2006


I've created this Christmas Kit for you, with a purpose in mind! The stores are starting to put 'stuff' out there, to get you to start thinking of 'buy, buy, buy!' but I would like to start thinking about the REAL meaning. Every year seems to be spinning faster and faster, and it gets harder to focus on what is important - the reason Christmas is here and how we want this to be celebrated in our own families.

Though I work very hard to keep a balance, and to truly bring the meaning alive, somehow, I always know I could have done just a bit more - more of the spiritual and less of the commercial. So this year, I will devote some prayer to this purpose alone. Won't you take the challenge to get closer to God and base your upcoming holiday season on this idea? If we pray daily, even though our plans may not go perfectly smooth, we will have the important bases covered. Lets invite God to be our guest of honor - as it should be!

A day hemmed in prayer is less likely to unravel.
Phillipians 4:6 6-7
Pray about everything...
If you do this you will experience God's peace...

His peace will keep your thougths
and your hearts quiet and at rest.

By the way - this kit design was inspired by my last trip to the thrift store. I saw this snazzy little diamond belt - OF COURSE I ended up buying it - (for 50 cents no less) I loved the shape of the buckle part, and so voila - it's yours. Enjoy!

And yes... the Cheesey Western songs go on and on..

  • Is It Cold in Here, or Is it Just You?
  • It Ain't Love But It Ain't Bad.
  • It Only Takes One Bar (To Make A Prison)
  • It Took a Heckuva Man to Take my Anne, but it Sure Didn't Take Him Long
  • It's Not the High Cost of Living, It's the Cost of Living High
  • I've Been Flushed From The Bathroom Of Your Heart.
  • I've Been Roped And Throwed By Jesus In The Holy Ghost Corral
  • I've Got $5 And It's Saturday Night
  • I've Got Red Eyes From Your White Lies And I'm Blue All The Time.
  • I've Got Tears In My Eyes From Lying On My Back In My Bed While I Cry Over You.
  • I've Got the Cob, If You've Got the Corn
  • I've Got The Hungries For Your Love And I'm Waiting In Your Welfare Line
  • I've Heard that Tear Stained Monologue You Do There by the Door Before You Go
  • Jeremiah Peabody's Polyunsaturated Quick Dissolving Fast Acting Pleasant Tasting Green and Purple Pills
  • Jesus Loves Me But He Can't Stand You
  • Jim, I Wore A Tie Today
  • Just Bought A Car From A Guy That Stole My Girl,
  • Keep Forgettin' I Forgot About You
  • Learning To Live Again Without You Is Killing Me.
  • Legendary Chicken Fairy

Give a Giggle

Its a day of rest - why not give someone a giggle today. My friend Sonya sent me this link some time ago, and I felt today was a great time to share with you.


  1. love your Christmas kit.thank you for sharing it.

  2. Thank You so very much for the beautiful mini.
    Each year they start earlier and earlier with all the holiday's losing the true meaning of what it is truely for all they think of is the money and nothing else!

  3. Thanks so much !!
    Beautiful, beautiful freebie !
    I love the colours and the elements is so lovely !
    Hugs from Brazil !

  4. Thank you for the kit I sure appreciate it..and you are right about "The Reason for the Season" after all it is CHRISTmas.:)

  5. Beautiful, as usual. TFS!

  6. Thank you for the pretty CHRISTmas's very pretty and for the reminder of the reason for the season!

  7. Just wanted to say thank you for all the gorgeous freebies that you give us! You and your husband are very generous. The kit is absolutely stunning - love the red. Very Romantic!

  8. Thank you for this very pretty mini!

  9. How beautiful this kit is! I need to start going to thrift stores too! :) Thank you!

  10. This is such a richly beautiful mini........thanks so much for sharing with us.....I love your blog.

  11. The Christmas kit is cool! So are the nachos! :) Thank you!

  12. Thank you for this nice mini-Christmas-kit. Love the jewel ;)

  13. Thanks for thinking of Christmas and making me do the same for the right reasons!!!!!

  14. Thank you for the beautiful kit!! I try to get away from the commercialism a bit by making may of my gifts, and I think this gift from you will find its way into some of them.


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