Friday, November 10, 2006


I left a blank space on this ornament for you so you can put your own name in. This would me a nice element to use for the front of a 'tall' christmas card. Yesterday, I gave a link to the Microsoft Expressions program - I have not had a great deal of experience in it, but i can make my way around in there. If you have a basic question or two, feel free to email me at - and thanks sooo much for all your touching comments :)

I really enjoyed myself yesterday. I was supposed to meet a (new) friend at the Painter's room yesterday, but she did not show. Unfortunately, I lost her phone number so could not even phone her. I hope everything is ok. Anyways, I got to paint (digitally) with the group and that was a royal treat. I am so fortunate to be part of this ladies group. There were about six of us yesterday and we had a great visit. I have a good start on a painting of fall leaves in water which I will share with you at a later date.

Ruby Christmas Kit by me...

Holiday Magic Kit by Shabby Princess

Yesterday was so productive - one of those days you wake thinking you will never get a thing done, but it all came together. I managed to clean the house, do loads of laundry, make a delicious dinner, go for a run and make some christmas card layouts.

One thing has come to mind that I would like to work on in my life lately. I find that sometimes when my husband asks me to do something either my hackles go up, or I feel a stab of resentment or... unwillingness to do things with a loving attitude. I really dislike this - it is robbing me of joy! I am going to pray on this area and I would love it if you have any scripture or advice for me? This is what I've found:

Jesus can turn water into wine,
but He can't turn your whining into anything.

Phillipians 2:14

Do all things without murmerings and disputings


Ok, well none of us is going to make a marble milkshake, or blend coke cans ... but wouldn't it be cool to know that you COULD? He, he... so what if you forgot a chicken bone in the broth... you would not recognise it if you owned one of these:


  1. hi mrs.
    sorry i have been a bad freebie taker i wanted to say thanks for your fun freebies i don't say it often enough! go look at the comments i got on that lo with the purses everyone loved it!

    thanks to mr. too!

  2. Thanks so much for the lovely ornament!

  3. Thank You for today's lovely Christmas ornie

  4. Thanks, Barb--I know what you mean about hackles raising when hubby asks you to do something. Don't have a scripture--just life experience. Ask yourself "what's the worst that could happen if I did/did not do this?" It's worth a shot. :)

  5. This is a really cute ornament. Thanks for all your treats and your inspiration! cg

  6. Thank you!! I can't wait to get this year's Christmas pictures and use this in my project!!!!!!!! :) God bless!

  7. Thank you for the great christmas element :)

  8. awesome thanks Barb...another question one could ask them selves ..Is What Would Jesus Do...and we know he gave all for us ...

  9. Hey Barb! Thanks for all the Christmasy elements lately. I still need to put together a Christmas card for us to send out. We're finally getting pictures taken Monday night.

    Wanted to let you know to check out your horse elements on a LO I posted today.


  10. Hi Barb...
    I noticed you dropped by my blog and just wanted to say Hi and thanks for stopping by....
    And thanks, too, for the modesty link...quite refresing.
    BTW your scrapbooking elements are lovely...can't wait to download some :)

  11. Love the ornament! Thank you!


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