Saturday, November 06, 2010

Happy Birthday Little Sister!

Ah, a little belated in the day but I spent the bed in day with a ccccchill!  Could not warm up for my life - so I piled six blankets atop me, turned the heaters on full blast and nestled one of the beautiful warmers filled with barley which my SIL Neti made.  I slept and slept.  I did not get up till dinner and I'm just now beginning to unthaw. 

But at any rate, Happy Birthday NINA - I love you more than you can know!


  1. Aww... Barb..I sure hope you are feeling better today.I was sooo busy yesterday that I missed leaving a message for you.So sorry you couldn't get warm.:( Hate that when that happens!! Do you have an electric blanket? I use mine throughout the winter.I keep it near the recliner.One of the best Christmas presents I have gotten.:)

    Leaving warm hugs,

  2. That sounds like a great way to spend a day! But I do hope you are feeling better. And I hope you sister had a great birthday!

    Take care my friend!

  3. Happy birthday.


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