Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Mojo and Munching

photo credit: nkzs @ sxc.hu

They say you should have 3 squares a day, right?  Ok, I know that what they mean is 3 square meals a day, but (and this makes my Mr just shake his head slowly back and forth like one of them wind up monkey toys with the cymbals) - well, I literally have 1 or 2 or 3 squares of chocolate a day for breakfast.  I get it from all sides, everyone telling me that breakfast is the most important meal a day.  Well, I am not a breakfast eater.  I admit it.  I've fallen into a habit of having a bowl of freshly popped popcorn before bed, with hot rosemary butter drizzled over it and I figure that sustains me until lunch the next day.  I do have my lunch early - and I eat whatever I want, though mostly what I want is in the line of fruit (living in the Okanagan Valley, rich in produce) how can I resist a crisp home-grown apple a day?  Then I enjoy an early dinner, somewhere in the vicinity of 3:30 to 5 daily, and I have whatever I want. 

I'm not falling over, I feel better than ever.  I work out 5 days a week, running and elliptical, situps, pushups and lots of happy energy and I take my vitamin D every day and ... I've lost 15 lb in the last two months.  So, I don't think I'll be changing things anytime soon.  And, if we happen to be invited out for breakfast, well I break down and just enjoy it as a rare event.  I'm just not into the regular get up on a weekday and make myself eat something breakfast. 

Fresh Rosemary Popcorn Butter

1 tsp fresh butter
dash salt
few sprigs of rosemary - dried or fresh

Put all into a small ceramic cup - melt in micro. 
I zap it several times, letting it cool each time it gets hot -
I let it sit for a moment, stir with a spoon so the herb flavor disperses.

Drizzle!  Num!

And in case you don't remember my speedy Martha Stewart version of popping the corn:

Take a plain paper lunch bag
1/3 cup plain popcorn kernels

Put popcorn in bag
Fold bag twice, loosely 1/2 inch folds at top
POP in micro - same as you would a store bag popcorn
(mine takes about 2 min)

Kids love this, fast, easy, healthy and they can have their "own bag"

PS - need quick packing material for Christmas gifts?  This popcorn works great.

photo credit: ziptrivia @ sxc.hu

I also experimented last night with a new squash recipe.  I actually used a type of squash similar to the ones pictured here, but they were green and almost a square shape.  At any rate, any dense squash which can be peeled with a peeler will work well. 

Barb's Squash "Oven Fries"

Peel one dense squash.
Cut vertically in 1/2, scoop out seeds.
Cut squash into slices - french fry size.

Toss with olive oil, lightly salt (or season with spice)
Spread on cookie sheet lined with parchment.
Bake at 425, turn slices over about 10 mins -
Cook till done, mine took about 20 - 25 mins.

Delicious - these are best eaten right away - they go soggy in the fridge. 

And once again its Mojo - and I managed to fit that in yesterday which was a miracle! 

Obviously I chose the square theme.  I used a Studio G stock card from Michaels.  I used a word rub-on from my sister.  I made my own little caps for the ornaments cutting them from watercolour paper and stamping them with a Fiskars gold paint and added the little bows of golden string.  Tiny snowflake stamps are by Kimberley Polson.

Its SNOWING here again :)  Hope you are having a wonderful day!


  1. I won't say anything about your eating habits from now on. Very nice card sis, you had your mojo rock'en :)

  2. Super recipes! I'll have to try them out, especially the 3 squares...
    Thanks for stopping by to visit my blog and for the kind words! I really appreciate them.
    I think your Mojo card is wonderfully festive and colorful!
    So not only are you great cook, you're also a wonderful papercrafter as well!
    Have a great night~

  3. Who are we to tell you off 'cause of your eating habits!! You eat what you like when you fancy!

    Thank you so much for your kind comments on my cards, they are truely appreciated! Thanks for taking the time to look. :)

    I must say your card is gorgeous too, I love the bow detailing!!

    Nice job. Lou :) xo

  4. Finally got back to blogging!

    Just 3 squares?

  5. Wow that is a lot of work you put into those ornaments. Lovely card!!


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