Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Nice Ice!

It's been very cold here this past week, I actually heard on our local news station that several records were broken today.  But before I get feeling sorry for myself I also heard that Sparwood - home to my brother and sister in law, was down to -36 c with the wind chill factor... now I feel positively toasty compared to that especially seeing we had virtually no wind today. 

So, I could not resist a little foray down to the water's edge because though the ordinary person looks down and sees an ordinary lake shore on an ordinary cold day, I see MAGIC!  Every year that it gets very cold the ice begins to form onto the reeds along the lake shore and it does some pretty cool stuff.  I've also added a teeny slide show onto the side of my blog - updated from the spring blossoms to ice and snow from years gone by.  I've got about two days worth of photos to share here, will post the rest in a couple of days.  Then, when Blogger will recognise the little slide show of these ones then I will put them instead of the past years. 

Yes, for your enjoyment, I braved the cold, by putting on the UGLIEST pair of old sweat pants over my running tights and then further braved my Mr.'s look of absolute shock at seeing me thus dressed, quite the reaction all in all! 

Piqued your interest?  More photos soon!


  1. Loved the pics -- mind pic of the sweat pants and all. Fashion goes out the window when temps drop.

    Did u know that a bone tastes better if u can chew it on top of Mither's foot? Apparently do.

  2. one of those reminds me of a frogs foot....

  3. Good morning Barb:)
    I am freezing just looking at your FANTASTIC photos.:) Wish we could see you in your sweat pants.LOL


  4. love the photos Barb ...awesome have an eye for things like that ...where is the picture of you all dressed up for the cold...miss you lots


  5. The ice pictures are beautiful. Congrats on joining SBE -- it will be fun to see your things in the store!


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