Thursday, November 04, 2010

Autumn Beauty

Without further ado I will share some pictures I took on this past oh-SO-beautiful Tuesday.  I was supposed to be in school but the day proved too nice to be indoors.  I will do double shift in school next good and rainy day.  Here's a small sample of what I treated my eyes to. 

I love to visit this gorgeous tree year round.  Its so full and provides the perfect place to sit and relax.  Across the water you can see the long arm which is Hayne's Point State Park.  It's a very narrow piece of land which goes out  into the lake.  We will visit there after a few photos of some vibrant peach trees. 

First we take a drive to the east side of town.  This is a tiny park too.  

If the sun "butters" the foliage in the summer, then in the fall it must "caramelize" and "candy" it, for the colors deepen and toast into the most pleasing warm pallette.  I know I tell myself every year "I already have a million fall photos, I won't take any this year" - still the pull is so strong I don't even try to resist.  Aren't you glad?  Now, on to Hayne's Point. 

All of the orchards and vineyards lie in patchworks of ambers, reds and golds, a nice complement to the rich blue of the lake and sky.

A view toward town from Hayne's Point. 

Same lovely view as two above, only with reeds in the foreground.  In the spring the carp hang out in the reeds and make the funniest sounding "plops"! 

I could have stayed and gazed all day!

And finally, a last look toward town as we head home for dinner.  I'm so glad I have these pictures to remind me of these few "jewel" days of Autumn before the long and (predicted) cold winter. 

I have a few more sets of photos to share in the coming days.  I've been living with my camera hanging around my neck like a necklace! 


  1. Oh how beautiful! I think I would have skipped out on class too. I'm glad you did!

  2. Good evening Barb:)
    What GORGEOUS photos!! Beautiful autumn colors!! We have been having that too but the leaves seem to be falling off of the trees too back yard is covered and Jim just cleaned some up the other day.:)
    Thanks so much for stopping by and letting me know you will be praying!! :)
    Well..gotta come back later.Jim just told me it is bedtime..WOW! I had no idea it was that late.:)

    Huge hugs and lots of love,

  3. awesome pictures Barb ...yes to take the tim to stop and to see the beauty of fall. Chat really soon ...can't wait for our visit ...and time together.


  4. gorgeous photos and totally cute mojo card...have a fabby weekend!

    enjoy *~*

  5. I love fall colors, I wish I was there walking around with you. Beautiful Sis, thank you so much for sharing.

  6. Hey Barb,

    What lovely lovely photos!!!

    I think it's obvious that you and Miles have camped a lot in the USA....we have provincial parks not state parks : ) ha ha

    Be Blessed today.


  7. Beautiful pix my friend. Looks like a perfect fall photo taking day! I would have been longing to do the same. and yes, Leila is right, Hayne's Point is a PROVINCIAL park, not a silly ol State park!!

  8. Absolutely gorgeous photos! Such amazing beauty you captured. WOW!!


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