Monday, November 15, 2010

Mojo and Marvelous Mushroom Photos

Once again its Mojo Monday - I missed last one but kicked myself into action tonight.  I substituted making a Mojo card for eating dessert. 

And here is my (very simple) take on it using a hodgepodge of the supplies I have. 

This was just a quick one, my first hand-made card of the year.  I have obligations that have me questioning if I really have the time to make cards, but then my creative side won out and I'd feel awful to have all these lovely supplies and not use them; that and the fact that a store bought card can never compete with the most basic of cards made by hand. 

And now, here are some photos I took of these amazing mushrooms recently.  They make me think of those pictures you have to stare at, you know the ones which look like a bunch of random patterns, but if you stare long enough they pop out 3d?  These mushrooms are like that, you can walk along and never see them unless you look hard enough.  They are large, but pop straight out of the ground, lifting everything that happens to be ontop (quite heavy it must be at times!)

It wasn't until I was reviewing my photos later that I realized there was this tiny slug on the stem of this mushroom.

Hope you've started your week off well!  


  1. I have those big, funny looking mushrooms in my backyard too. Seems to have been a good year for them.

  2. Mrs. Miles Love the card with all the great colors!!! I'm now a new follower and I can't wait to see your next project!!! I hope the dessert was good LOL!!!

  3. Good morning Barb:)
    Love your card and the mushroom pics too!!!You always do such a great job at both!!:)
    I only have one dirty did you get from laying on the ground?LOL Now that is a SERIOUS photographer ..if you ask me.hehe

    The mushroom should be a great lesson to us...not to let anything keep us down and to be determined to press towards the light!!:)
    Have a FANTASTIC day my friend.:)

    Huge hugs and lots of love,

  4. Lovely card! Fun mix of papers too! Great use of the sketch! ♥♥♥

  5. Oh wow! Great pics!

    Hope you are doing well my friend!

  6. love your card and mushroom photos. wanted to thank you, Barb, for being such a good friend. i will continue to stop in and visit, at times but won't be blogging for now. big hugs. have a great day, my friend.


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