Thursday, November 09, 2006


You really must see these gold and silver bows up closely to appreciate them! The look like these metal laced ribbons you see in the stores.

I have to share a funny incident with you that I actually forgot to add into yesterdays blog. The other night my husband offered to bring home some non healthy snacks for me. He asked me what I would like. I thought about this and ordered two of my favorite choices... hawkins cheesies and a drumstick. He repeated my order back to me (he would be hired at McD's any day!) and then he said "just one drumstick?" In the past, we've boughten boxes of ice cream drumsticks at the grocery store - much cheaper this route. I said "yeah, lets just get one or I will eat more." A little later on, the back door opens and a cherry voice calls out "Your CHICKEN is here!" Erp - you got it - he truly thought I meant a CHICKEN drumstick. Well, we had a pretty good laugh over this one. Has this happened to you before? I would love to hear your story.

I want to thank you soooo much for your comments. Many of you are faithful to leave a little love each and every time... and I know what that means in todays busy-ness. A friend reminded me (gently, and for which I am so grateful for) that it does not matter how high my blog climbs at the topdigi site, its really your comments that mean so much to me. She is SO right - and I need good friends to keep me on track here! It is so easy to get sidetracked - and especially when things are going so well. I never want to lose focus that this blog is about a ministry I have been blessed with. As easily as this blog was created it could dry up tomorrow, but in the meantime my wish is it to glorify our Lord. If I stray, I am counting on you to bring me back!

Conscience is God's built-in warning system.

Be very happy when it hurts you.

Be very worried when it doesn't

ACTS 24:16

And herein do I excersize myself, to have always a conscience void

of offence toward God, and toward men.

I baked up a little edible affection for my sweet husband last night - something he had been craving for a time now, and requested that I surprize him with. I made him some cream puffs. I used a recipe from the Joy of Cooking - they turned out lovely. I filled one half with plain whip cream and the other with whip cream colored and flavored with a tablespoon of raspberry jelly powder.

Yep - roped in MORE country song titles (but today's the tail end of 'em Pardner) :

  • Yard Sale
  • You Ain't Much Fun Since I Quit Drinkin'
  • You Ain't Woman Enough To Take My Man
  • You Can Lock Me Up in Jail & Throw Away the Key, But You Can't Keep My Face from Breaking Out
  • You Can't Deal Me All The Aces And Expect Me Not To Play.
  • You Can't Have Your Kate And Edith Too.
  • You Can't Roller Skate In A Buffalo Herd.
  • You Changed Your Name From Brown to Jones, and Mine From Brown to Blue
  • You Done Stomped On my Heart (and You Mashed That Sucker Flat)
  • You Done Tore Out My Heart And Stomped That Sucker Flat
  • You Goodbye
  • You Hurt The Love Right Out Of Me.
  • You Were Only A Splinter As I Slid Down The Bannister Of Life
  • Your Negligee Has Turned To Flannel Nightgowns
  • You're A Cross I Can't Bear.
  • You're a Hard Dog To Keep Under The Porch
  • You're Going To Ruin My Bad Reputation
  • You're Out Of Step (With The Beat Of My Heart)
  • You're The Hangnail In My Life, And I Can't Bite You Off
  • You're The Ring Around My Bathtub, You're The Hangnail Of My Life
  • You've Already Put Big Old Tears In My Eyes, Must You Throw Dirt In My Face?
  • You've Got Sawdust On The Floor Of Your Heart


A Designing Program

I have been using a graphics program for a while now, to create some of my elements, and I am really enjoying it. It is FREE. It is a program in its BETA version, which means there may be some bugs in it still - and also its not for a novice, the features are advanced. But, if you are willing to try and learn, this can be a great asset if you like to design. I actually created the precious metal bows elements featured today, with this program. You may download it at the following site - BE SURE to carefully read what the editor review says so that you can decide knowingly if you would like to use this program. It is from Microsoft so it should be reasonably reliable, however no program is perfectly safe.



  1. Beautiful!! Love the elements but most of all I love your heart! Thank you for sharing your faith in Jesus Christ! It adds sunshine to my day!
    Hugs & Blessings~ Saralee

  2. I sooooo enjoy reading your blog every day... You give me a mental & emotional lift to my day! I enjoy your positive attitude.. your smiles shine thru your words. And thank you for the link to the MICROSOFT EXPRESSION GRAPHIC DESIGNER.. I'm going to try it.

  3. I have to remind myself the same things about the stats. I write because I've loved writing since I was 8 years old. I think connecting to things we love to do, draws us even closer to the one who gave us that love in the first place. Keep writing!

  4. Thanks, Barb. I enjoy your blog and your designs.

  5. Thank You for sharing your lovely gold & silver bows
    It's alway's a delight to read your blog everyday because in one way or another you have some kind of inspiration to keep us going!

  6. That is a funny story! Lol. Well, after only three years of marriage I know there are probably a thousand stories where we have miscommunicated and some of them may even be funny but for the life of me, I can't rememeber one! I'll have to think some on that one! Lol. As for what you said about the comments, yes truely it is wonderful to write, have people read and to give freebies but it is the ones who leave a little of themselves and their thoughtfulness of a thanks that makes my day at my blog too. It is very difficult to see a download of an item that goes over two hundred and then look at the comments and only see seven or eight people who said thanks... but then I think, hey those seven or eight are really wonderful people and I am so grateful to them... why get hung up on the other 192, right? Lol... half empty, half full... well, eight wonderful people can more than offset those who couldn't stop long enough to say thanks I think!

    Sooooo, that said... THANKS for the cool ribbons! All that you (both) offer is always beautiful and so thoughtful!


  7. The ribbons are wonderful!!!! They make me think of Marilyn Monroe singing, "Diamonds are a Girl's best friend" LOL
    Thank you for sharing! It's very generous of you!!!! God bless! :)

  8. Thank you for another great gift element! I'm off to check out the graphics program - thank you for the link

  9. Hi Barb!
    THis is the first time I have visited your blog. You make Lovely designs! It is a joy to read your day to day walk with Jesus :)
    I do have a question regarding the cream puffs. You meantioned you used raspberry jam powder. I have never heard of this food thing. Is it a Canadian product? It sounds wonderful for baking!


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