Sunday, November 12, 2006


I am writing to you from an 'undisclosed' location at this time... he he! Taking a little break for the weekend - a little family time. I hope I haven't alarmed anyone - I had intended on emailing and hello-ing everyone but time just did not permit. Everything is ok - actually very good! We will be home later today.

SARAH - you sent me a comment - saying you made a western layout and I am DYING TO SEE IT... lol, I don't know where to see it! Please comment me again or email directly at

BARBARA - you asked me about jelly powder - hmmm.... and giggle.... this is another Canadian/American thing I think b/c I have gone round and round on this subject with my US friends! Ok... so I DON'T know what you all call it in USA, but here's a link to Kraft Canada and here you will see what I mean is Jello - Jelly powder.... you know, it makes wiggley giggly jelly!

I use jelly powder in whip creams - you can ice cakes with this or top desserts etc... you can sprinkle fresh fruits with it to pick up the fruit's flavor or you can then microwave the fruit as a fresh pancake topping instead of syrup!

On the other hand Jello PUDDING powders make smooth and creamy puddings - but again, if folded into whip cream or cool whip makes great icing for cakes etc!

PS - thanks for asking! ;)
Instead of a handy tip today, I will instead leave you with two interesting links to child prodigy's - they always both fascinate and scare me LOL!


  1. Thank You for the really cute snowman

  2. What a cute little olde snowman! Thank you for sharing.

  3. The snowman is too cute! Thank you! :)

  4. So cute!!! Thank you!!!!! :)


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