GOLDEN PEAR ELEMENTSorry, but I'm not quite up to the partridge in the pear tree yet... but I am sure you will all find a creative way to use these golden pears. Can you show me, huh, huh, huh? If you make a layout I would love to feature it here...
$3.75 can buy you a caramel macciado at Starbucks orrrrrrr... well it got me a really nice hoodie sweatshirt, a rexlaxational nature tape and a wire hanger that looks like a curly tree, meant to hold christmas cards or photos or ornaments or or or..
I dare not succumb to cabin fever so I made a decision to get out yesterday, for a foray into the cold, cold world. Most years I tan - y, fake'n'bake... and I know its not good for the body - but I get SAD in the winter. Miles is looking into a special light for me instead this year, but I also need to get out too. I am just so NOT into the gym - the mere thought of it gives me shudders so I am working out at home and trying to get out for walks. Are we on for tonight Becky??? I think I'm still staying supple with an in-home workout using excersize bands and a stepper and a recumbent bike and a date watching oprah each day.

So, I layered on the clothing - felt like a little kid. 2 pairs of pants, two sweaters, big jacket, touque, gloves, woolie socks and good grip runners. I heated up two of those bean bag thingies (actually barley filled - thanks to my sweet sister in law Neti!) and tucked them in with my camera so I would not get lens fog. I put them all in my diaper bag. Yesssss, you heard me. I am probably the only person in the world you know that not only uses a diaper bag for my camera, but possibly the only one who would willingly admit it. Well hey sisters, my camera lives with me everywhere I go, and I prefer not to advertise whats tucked under my arm, you know. Why invite temptation? Who, in their right mind is going to steal a diaper bag... after all I might have a 'live' one in there. He he.
I've lined my bag with some soft foam and I wrap my camera in a soft flannel cloth and it stays snug and secure. My bag has several sections and pouches... and is totally waterproof (or wet diaper proof, I bet!) and even has a side carrier for a water bottle. Nothing shy about me girls.
Anyway, I bundled up and went for a walk/photo trek round our fine community. It was worth the frost bitten fingers to capture the crisp coldness. The sky and water were intense blues and the wind was so strong I had to hold fast to the rails on the bridge over the lake so I would not be buffetted into the traffic. It was as windy as I have ever seen it. I wish you could have been with me to see the snow blowing in dancing streams over the waves.
A reader asked me to submit a poem to encourage everyone. I welcome if you have a word or poem or encouragement you would like me to share. If I can, I will post what you send me. Thanks so much!
Our Faith in God is easy when the
waters 'round are stilled
When the voyage undertaken finds
our dreams and hopes fullfilled.
But holding onto God is hard
when wrestling with our doubt,
and when our storms are fiercest
and our boat is tossed about.
It's when our faith is shaken,
when the Master's sound asleep,
Not knowing we are sinking, and
the waters round are deep.
We wonder then how He, Who's Lord,
of all the land and sea,
could seem to be so unaware,
of our catastrophe.
It's when our faith seems weakest, God,
will calm the sea and soul,
And when we are most broken that,
He'll touch, and make us whole.
Author Unknown
More oxymorons:
hair growth
half dead
half dressed
half empty
half full
half naked
half true
halfway done
ham steak
handgun safety
happy apathy
happy demise
happy fault
happy Monday
happy pessimist
hard curve
hard cushion
hard liquor
hard pillow
Hard Roll
harmless abuse
harmless crime
harmless lie
harmless pollution
harmless pornography
harmless sin
A couple of funnies for you too, to brighten your day:
Q: What kind of motor vehicles are in the Bible?
A: Jehovah drove Adam and Eve out of the Garden in a Fury.
A: David's Triumph was heard throughout the land.
A: Honda... because the apostles were all in one Accord.
A: 2 Cor. 4:8 describes going out in service in a Volkswagen Beetle:
We are pressed in every way, but not cramped beyond movement."
Q: What do they call pastors in Germany?
A: German Shepherds.
Q: What is the best way to get to Paradise?
A: Turn right and go straight.
Free Christmas Magazine!
I came across and downloaded this free Christmas e-magazine, rated 5 stars by the editors of It has about 200 pages and it's packed with all sorts of great ideas and recipes.