I recently made a new recipe out of a Susan Branch Cookbook - have you ever seen her cookbooks? They are filled with little watercolour looking illustrations and sweet sayings, peppered in between mouthwatering recipes. I want to spend the summer at her place!
The recipe I made was for a Potato Pie - I made several changes to the recipe, adjusting it to the ingredients I had on hand. It called for me to slice potatoe into 1/4 inch slices - I cheated and used this masher thingie I have. I don't know what you call that thing - I do know its old, and I do know its used to make french fries. I love the look of it, and If there were a way to incorporate it on my kitchen walls, I would in a heartbeat - but its not to be so. Have you used one of these? It worked perfect to zing the cooked potatoes through to make homemade 'hashbrowns'. The following is my version of the recipe - which turned out terrific! (make 2 - freeze one for unexpected company!) Pssst: Throw in some cooked ham cubes for a WHOLE meal!
7 medium potatos
3 cloves fresh garlic
3 tbsp butter or marg
3 tbsp flour
1 cup skim milk
1/4 cup fresh herbs
3 tbsp fresh green onion
1 tsp garlic salt
tons of pepper
1 cup grated sharp cheese
Grease a 9 x 13 inch glass baking dish. Peel, quarter the potatos. Peel and slice in 1/2, the cloves of garlic - adding the garlic to the water you cook the potatoes in. Cook till fork-tender. Drain. Melt butter, whisk in flour till blended & bubbly. Pour in the skim milk and whisk all the while until its thickened. Remove from heat.
Either cut your potatos into 1/4 inch slices, or throw them thru a french fry thing like mine - add them to the thickened milk mixture. Add the herbs, garlic salt, pepper and green onions. Stir softly. Spread mixture into the baking dish and refridgerate (or freeze) until serving time.
When you're ready to bake - set the oven to 375 degrees. Sprinkle the cheese over the pie and bake 40 mins till golden tasty brown. Sprinkle extra herbs over before serving!
To Make Rose Beads
In order to make a whole necklace of Rose Beads, you will need between 30 - 45 roses. Pick them in the late morning when they are dry, and remove the stems. Chop the flowers into fine pieces and place in a saucepan. Add water to barely cover, and simmer gently for about an hour. Add small amounts of water when necessary. Allow the mixture to cool, then simmer again for at least a half-hour. Strain the pulp and shape beads into beads with your fingers. Use a heavy-gauge upholstry needle to make the holes. Dry the beads on a piece of paper; it may take a day or longer. String the beads and wear them around your neck - they will give off the scent of roses!
Though the scent of rose dies
and the rose decays
The rose of the spirit is never sere;
Soft as roses
be all thy ways,
And thou, may'st thou through all thy days,
Open and greaten
even as these,
Petal by petal
and year by year.
- author unknown
Today in History:
1778 - Mary Ludwig Hayes "Molly Pitcher" helped American patriots
1778 - Battle of Monmouth
1820 - Tomato is proved to be nonpoisonous - Robert Gibbon Johnson proved that tomatoes were not poisonous when he ate two tomatoes in front of a large crowd on the steps of the courthouse in Salem, New Jersey. At the time in the US, tomatoes were believed to be poisonous because of their relationship with some wild plants of the nightshade family that produce toxic berries.
1836 - James Madison 4th US pres died
1838 - Britain's Queen Victoria crowned in Westminster Abbey
1861 - Leipzig Obs discovers short-period (6.2 yrs) comet d'Arrest
1889 - Maria Mitchell - 1st American woman astronomer - dies at 71
1914 - Aust Archduke Ferdinand & wife Sofia assassinated (starts WW I)
1918 - 1st flight between Hawaiian Islands
1919 - Treaty of Versailles ending WW I signed
1919 - Harry S Truman married Elizabeth Virginia Wallace in Independence
1938 - Queen Victoria ascends to British throne
1939 - Pan Am begins transatlantic air service Dixie Clipper
1956 - 1st atomic reactor built for private research operates Chicago Il
1965 - 1st US ground combat forces in Vietnam authorized by Pres Johnson
1982 - Prince Charles & Lady Di name their baby "William"
1983 - Bridge section along I-95 in Conn collapsed kills 3

This tiny residential cube packs a highly-functional punch, providing a double bed, bathroom, lobby, dining space for 4-5 people, and state-of-the-art entertainment technology, all for just 50,000 Euros. And size-wise, it measures in at a tiny 2.65 m cubed (roughly 77 sq ft), but incorporates everything a person needs in a home in its super compact design.
Our brother and sister-in-law just downsized their life, from living in a house to calling home a large RV. It has been a BIG change for them - and has caused them to dispense of, or find storage for, a lot of sentimental or unnecessary items in their lives. I'm sure it would amaze us at how little we really need to exist with - I know when we moved it was like "Where on Earth did we put all this stuff before???"
I recently came across this website featuring 5 very tiny, eensy homes. Carefully planned, down to the last details - it just may be possible to live in such tiny spaces. This is a good thing as on the news last night it said that fully 1/3 of the people on earth live in Cities now - so space would be at a premium. One of the other houses featured was one which could be built ONTOP of existing buildings in the city! Enough from me - you will be wanting to check these homes yourself by clicking HERE.
Explore Victorian London
This way-cool online Victorian Dictionary should be of interest to anyone who would like to appreciate what life was like - way back when! VERY COMPREHENSIVE and interesting!
TYFS your beautiful poppy!!!!
ReplyDeleteGood Morning Barb:)
ReplyDeleteI was just getting ready to come see you when you rang.LOL
Thank you so much for coming to see me.I LOVE your visits and it is always nice to get a compliment from you.:)
You have rellies coming again.? How cool! That potato pies sure sounds good.Does it come in any color but white? My Doc said nothing white to eat.I never thought I would miss just plain ole white.LOL
Thank you so much for the beautiful yellow poppy.I will take any flowers you will let me have....They add soo much to my pages.:)
Sooo glad you like todays QP.You are most welcome.:)
Well..I had better let you get busy preparing for your family.:)Tell them I said HI:)
WOW that house is GREAT!!! DO YOU KNOW HOW Easy that would be to clean?!!! THAT Is what I need!!! Seiously.. I am gonig to propose the idea of HIS home HER home to the hubby.. then I can live in my little Domain and not have to worry about Spring/Fall Cleaning every year. LOL :) Thanks for stopping by and I am soo sorry there is a Pop up when you stop by my site.. If I knew what it was attached too I try and get rid of it.. If I can. :) Thanks for telling me I never noticed it! I guess I dont check my page that often. LOL
ReplyDeleteAnother WONDERFUL entry, so full of info, fun and beautiful visuals!!! thank you for today's lovely flowers!!!! and the little houses link!!! well, that is too cute!!! There is a little house out here too, we call it half-a-home LOL i will DEFINITELY get a picture of it and share! lol we tend to believe its mainly and entrance that takes you underground, we KNOW of another underground place that is no longer available to use but this home is SOOOO SMALL we find it hard to believe anyone lives ABOVE ground LOL Have a BEAUTIFUL! day and thanks you again for starting my day off with a smile & warm heart! :D
ReplyDeleteThank you for the lovely flowers.
ReplyDeletenice poppies Barb ....see you soon
ReplyDeleteThank you for the gorgeous poppy!!
ReplyDeletemerci :)