Monday, June 25, 2007


I hope you had a good weekend! It will prove to be a busy and exciting week for us here. Tonight is Graduation for the students at the Learning Center, where Miles teaches. It will be a flurry of preparations both at the High School where we will be decorating today - and in the homes of the students who's lives will be forever changed today. They will be savoring the fruits of their hard mental work of the past year. Won't you take a moment out to pray for these folks today.

It was not so very long ago that I, myself, walked onto the stage to recieve my diploma. The Learning Center is an adult oriented educational facility where people return to achieve BC graduation, if they have not done this before. I took the plunge at the age of 43 - (graduating one day after our daughter) It's still so fresh in my mind.

Leila-Rae in her Shower Finery

I only just processed the photos from last week's wedding shower. The basement of our Church, where the party was hosted, is the most 'ick' for lighting for photography. I really had to tweak the photos - using some kinky filters on most to achieve the feel I wanted. Don't you just love her hat? It was created by her friend Melissa, out of the protective plastic lid from the cake! I'm sure her husband-to-be will be begging her to wear this!

Evening Sky at Manning Park

So this past week proved to be a happy/sad one. I attended a wedding shower, a memorial and a baptism. That in itself is a lot of emotion in one week! A week of hope, sadness and gladness. A bodily death and a spiritual birth.

Our Uncle Colin passed away last week. Uncle Colin was not well, but his passing was unexpected. There was no big funeral or ceremony, his immediate family opting for a small and quiet gathering at their home. We drove down on Friday and stayed for several hours. A bagpiper was hired to play - a beautiful tribute to our Uncle.

One thing which was impressive was the presence of the Mayor, Wilfried Vicktor. I don't believe the mayor is a drop-in-for-coffee close friend to Aunt Jane's family, but he came. Not only did he come, but he spent a good hour - genuinely enjoying his visit with family members. He did not simply arrive to garner more fame for his name! I think this brought an added touch of comfort to Aunt Jane. I tell you this - if you find yourself looking for a small community in BC to move to - Hope would be top of the list! You can find more out about Hope by clicking HERE

Beauty in the Similkameen Valley

We camped on the trip home. Before leaving Hope we stocked up on Pizza and other diet-killing goodies and headed out around dinner time. We chose one of two quiet campsites in picturesque Manning Park and enjoyed a few hours relaxing in front of a roaring campfire. Ahhh...

On Sunday, we had the delight to be present at the baptism of a Church brother, Trevor and another young man, as they dedicated their lives to the Lord. No matter how often I attend a baptism, it still pulls at the strings of my heart. How I remember the day I gave my life over to the Lord. Do you remember you baptism? I would love to hear from you!

And I got my creativity back! Thanks to the encouragement of my friends Gina and Sonya - I was invited to a chat at DST to celebrate the launch of NEW PRODUCTS from KISSED STUDIO. You missed some fun if you were'nt there! Lucky for you, you can still visit the store to pick up some of the fabulous deals on their templates! Let me tell you the templates are wonderful - as you can see I actually scrapped something for the first time in eons - featured in yesterday's little entry! Why don't you slip over and check out the store today! You can be there in an instant by clicking HERE

I also played with the video feature of my camera for the first time... it's very limited but it was fun to try. Miles taught me how to take my clips into Windows Movie Maker and spice it up a bit with music and text. Hope you like my first, amature attempt at movie making!

If the video does not work - grrr.... LOL! You can always view it by clicking HERE.

With that, I had better fly - loads to do today. Have a Blessed Day, my friends.

Quiet Splendor

Today in History:

1178 - 5 Canterbury monks report something exploding on the Moon

1630 - Fork introduced to American dining by Gov Winthrop

1638 - A lunar eclipse becomes the known astronomical event recorded

1835 - 1st building constructed at Yerba Buena (now SF)

1876 - Lt Col Custer & 7th Cavalry wiped out by Sioux & Cheyenne

1906 - Architect Stanford White shot dead atop Madison Square Garden (which he designed) by Harry Thaw jealous husband of Evelyn Nesbit

1919 - 1st flight Junkers F13 advanced monoplane airliner

1929 - Pres Hoover authorizes building of Boulder Dam (Hoover Dam)

1938 - federal minimum wage law guarantees workers 40› per hour

1951 - 1st color TV broadcast - CBS' Arthur Godfrey from NYC to 4 cities

1953 - 1st passenger to fly commercially around the world <>

1960 - Walter Baade - astronomer - dies

1962 - Supreme Court rules NY school prayer unconstitutional

1973 - Udo Beyer of East Germany puts the shot a record 20.47 m

1977 - Roy C Sullivan of Va is struck by lightening for 7th time!

1981 - Supreme Court held male-only draft registration - constitutional

1982 - SF holds its 1st County Fair


Translate THAT!

The first free all-in-one translation wizard for PCs.



  1. I thought you were actually going to get a REST this last weekend! But that afternoon/evening camping in Manning sounded pretty nice. We haven't been camping in AGES!

    Nice to see you are back, busier then ever, but back.

  2. you did have a full weekend ..glad to see you did get some time for a night of camping...can't wait to see you ..all our love

  3. Good Morning Barb:)
    Thank you so much for the psycadelic slice rounds..How bright and cheery.:)
    Thank you also for coming to see me.:) I LOVE your visits.:)
    You have been really busy this week.Wow..all that at once.:)I got baptized shortly after I received Jesus as my Savior..I was eight years old.:)Some people may think that is too young..but I knew what I was Mom made me go to the front by myself to ask him into my heart.She said ..if you really mean have to go by yourself...You have to understand..I was a VERY shy young lady...but I wanted the Lord in my heart.:)Mom knew I meant it then.LOL
    I love the hat that Leila Rae is wearing.hehe..soo cute.:)
    Thank you for the language translator.I have been using google for the different blogs I read that are foreign.If you go to on the front page..there is a language translator small print.:)If your link has a better translator..I will use it instead..cause still can't figure out what they are saying.LOL
    Well..I am getting flat butt from sitting here too long this morning.LOL Gotta get up and move around some.:)

    Have a fantastic day!


  4. Hi,
    WOW! Was all that on one week-end? Just came across your blog and it's only the second I have seen so far that really concentrates and preaches christianity. Would have like to send an E-mail but no Email link so dont mind this please. If you get a chance, chek out our blog at and don't be shy to link it or share it with friends and family. Your contribution will be appreciated greatly.
    African Girl

  5. Beautiful photos today my friend. Love your little wind in the flowers video. Very cute! Yesterday was a wonderful day indeed! Sounds like you guys had a nice time away even if it was for a sad occassion!

  6. oh it sounds like you really had a full weekend! LOVE the pictures & video! and thank you so much for the freebie and links!! Have a WONDERFUL day!! :D

  7. AnonymousJune 26, 2007

    Hello Barb!
    I'm stopping by to let you know that I made a little frame thing of my cat and I used some of your cat tapes (which btw are gorgeous) :)



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