We took time out yesterday to paddle about the shores of our beautiful lake. My muscles are getting stronger and I'm finding I can go a BIT further and faster, but it will be a long time before I get strong enough we could paddle to town....

We had a young couple come for dinner last night - they are getting married very soon and we, as part of our church, were to mentor and encourage them. They will be fine, they have the right values. It was good to share the evening with them and it caused us to look back over the past years and to appreciate the tall tree, with good strong roots, our marriage has become.
I'm going to keep this entry short as I am looking forward to an early start out-of-doors today, working in the yard. You all have a wonderful day!

Interesting articles I heard this weekend on NPR -
A slave labor operation in the brick kilns of China's Shanxi province has been uncovered. For years, boys as young as eight have been working in horrifying conditions. But authorities have just begun to free the workers and make arrests. As NPR's Anthony Kuhn tells Liane Hansen, there are reports from Shanxi and Henan provinces that poor children are among those who have been abducted to work as forced laborers. Boys as young as eight years of age were reportedly sold for about $65 each to unscrupulous bosses. Then, they were forced to work 14 to 16 hours a day making bricks in primitive kilns.
Host Liane Hansen speaks with James Kakalios, a professor at the University of Minnesota's School of Physics and Astronomy, and author of "The Physics of Superheroes." Lately he's been thinking about the unique strengths of Sandman in Spider-man 3.
Today in History:
1178 - Proposed time of origin of lunar crater Giordano Bruno
1815 - Battle of Waterloo; Napoleon defeated by Wellington
1872 - Woman's Sufferage Convention held at Merchantile Liberty Hall
1873 - Susan B Anthony fined $100 for attempting to vote for President
1892 - Macademia nuts 1st planted in Hawaii
1898 - Amusement pier opens - Atlantic City - NJ
1928 - Amelia Earhart is 1st woman to cross Atlanti
1959 - 1st telecast transmitted from England to US
1977 - Space Shuttle test model "Enterprise" carries a crew aloft for 1st time - It was fixed to a modified Boeing 747
Good Thought For Your Day:
Imperfection is in some sort of essential to all we know of life. It is the sign of life in a mortal body. Nothing that lives is, or can be, rigidly perfect. The foxglove blossom - a third part bud, a third part past, a third part in full bloom- is a type of the life of this world. And in all things that live there are certain irregularities and deficiencies which are not only signs of life but sources of beauty. No human face is exactly the same in its lines on each side, no leaf perfect in its lobes, no branch in its symmetry. All admit to irregularity as they simply imply change; and to banish imperfection is to destroy expression. All things are literally better, lovelier, and more beloved for the imperfections which have been divinely appointed. - by John Ruskin

Knit in 3d
Oh DEAR - I can't remember exactly which of you sent me a comment regarding this idea of knitting in 3d - I HAD to go investigate. What a cool concept, and I located this website which contains photos as well as free patterns! Please DO send your cool website ideas for me to share!
thank you so much for the beautiful flowers, links, cool pix ( i love the ducks in a row lol CUTE), the stories you share... i guess i am trying to saying, thank you for being you and sharing! hugs
ReplyDeletehave a WONDERFUL day! :D
love the flower...glad Miles had an awesome father's day ..chat to you soon...love ya sis
ReplyDeleteGood Morning Barb:)
ReplyDeleteThank you for coming to see me this morning..before you get worn out in your garden.:)
Sounds like fun...for you!!LOL
Thank you for yesterdays balloon template..element..it is sooo cool and I love your photo..you look so content.:)
Thank you also for today's brown daisy.Sooo pretty.:)I never knew I could like a brown flower.LOL..that is what my azaleas have now...ewwww.:)They are soo pretty when they bloom and sooo ugly when all those flowers they were loaded with...wilt.:(
Well...guess I had better get back to cleaning my house.There's lots to do after yesterdays cookout...and my washing machine is gonna get a work out too.:)
Dearest Barb,
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for the Daisies! They are indeed my favorite. Mom loves the white ones. I feel better today. gaby graduated from daycare last Friday! Will send you some pics when i'll have a minute. I find our water-lake pictures so peaceful. Thank you for sharing. Much love,
TY so very much for the beautiful brown daisy & for yesterdays awesome balloon ride template!!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you!! -jsj
ReplyDeleteThanks for these beautiful daisies.
ReplyDeleteThanks a million for the flowers they are really nice and lovely. :)
ReplyDeleteAnd thanks as well for today's link, very informative. :)
Best wishes. :o)
Barb - as my son just went on a "balloon ride" at a localish amusement park [technically the baskets did lift off the ground about a foot], your template is "perfect timing" -- like most of your stuff. :-) Glad you liked the Shadow Knitting ... I'm the one who let you know about it. :-)
ReplyDeleteOh, my son was reading your "day in history" and would like it noted that tomorrow the FIRST organized baseball game was played in NJ - he's into baseball, in case you couldn't guess. :-) He's also six and into history. :-)