Wednesday, June 13, 2007

cute cats & kittens

If you RIGHT CLICK on the download link, and choose the option "Open in New Window" you won't be taken away from my blog entry, rather you will be able to download the element and still read today's entry.



Q Template by RubyPapers and elements from Ruby's Show the Love kit
Volleyball tapes by Mrs. Miles at
Gold style from Cheryl Barber's ScrapSimple Tools
Styles: 14K at ScrapGirls
Volleyball from © Photographer: Xaoc Agency:
Font: Shruti
Graphics Program: PSE5

Thanks for sharing, Gail!

I love to feature your layouts, using my created elements - send them to me and I will make you famous - not rich... haha!


I want some!

Are these cool, or what? These are some solar lights put out by a company called Allsop - I recently came across them in a magazine. Can't you just see your own patio party graced by the lantern ones? Free shipping too! You can read more about them and order some for me HERE (KIDDING! - bout the ordering part!)


Oh, if I lived in Washington my feet would be begging me to visit one of these parks! Did you know there were such things as parks with Reflexology Paths? What a neat concept! The stones are laid out in different sizes and patterns and you simply toss off your footware and treat your feet to a massage while you walk! Hmmm... this might be a good idea for your own yard, even! You can find out more about the parks which feature Reflexology Paths by clicking HERE

Today in History:

0323 - BC Alexander the great dies of fever at Babylon

1373 - Anglo-Portuguese Treaty of Alliance (world's oldest) signed

1611 - John Fabricius dedicates earliest sunspot publication

1798 - Mission San Luis Rey de Francia founded in California

1871 - hurricane kills 300 in Labrador

1886 - King Ludwig II of Bavaria drowns

1898 - Yukon Territory of Canada organized - Dawson chosen as capital

1927 - Ticker-tape parade welcomed Charles A Lindbergh to NYC

1933 - 1st sodium vapor lamps installed Schenectady NY

1933 - Federal Savings & Loan Association authorized

1963 - Vostok 6 launched Valentina Tereshkova 1st woman cosmonaut

1966 - Miranda vs Az decision-Suspect must be informed of rights

1967 - Thurgood Marshall nominated as 1st black Supreme Court justice

1981 - A teen-ager fired six blanks at Queen Elizabeth II

1982 - Fahd becomes king of Saudi Arabia when King Khalid dies at 69

1983 - Pioneer 10 is 1st man-made object to leave Solar System

1986 - Benny Goodman the clarinet playing King of Swing died in NY at 77

1986 - Pres Reagan criticizes South African state of emergency

After entering today's historical happenings, I just had to go look up the story of King Ludwig - its actually quite interesting!

King Ludwig II of Bavaria (1845-1886) is remembered for his fairy-tale castles and his patronage of the composer Richard Wagner. Like many of his forefathers, Ludwig had a wildly eccentric temperament, was artistically talented and at times overwhelmed by a melancholia that gradually turned him into a recluse. As a result of his neglecting the affairs of state, he was declared insane in a plot to depose him. Soon afterwards he and his warden were found death in circumstances that remain a mystery to this day.

I won't spoil the rest of it for you - grab a coffee and click HERE to collect your trivia for the day!


Good Gadgets!

If you like gadgets - or know someone who likes gadgets - or are looking for a gift for a gadget minded Dad ... well you really should have got on that one already folks. I'm so bad today! Bugging you all! At any rate, this website is the place to catch up on the latest neat gadgetry! I'd love to know your favorite one!



  1. *sniffles*...*weeps*....i never made it here yesterday and boy did my spirit ever miss it! so I have 2 days of reading to catch up on :) and am SO looking forward to it....i am going to fast draft print yesterdays so I can read it while i am outside with my lil one today :)....
    your tapes are REALLY getting amazing (i know i say it every time, but I am amazed every day by
    Thank you for all your great comments and for all the joy you bring to us every single day!!!! I don't know how you do it!

  2. Those are cool solar lights!

    I've read a few reflexology books and some do recommend going bare foot as much as possible. We always went bare foot as kids ... do kids do that anymore?

  3. First thanks for visiting my blog :D and always thank you for the cool cat tapes!!
    i am checking out ALL the cool links you shared! those solar lanterns are just sooo pretty!! they must look incredible at night! i want some too! lol and oh my goodness, those reflexology paths!!! How could any city NOT have them?! lol they REALLY seem cool!
    King Ludwig, well, sheesh! and those gadgets, well, too many to pick just one LOL
    i soooooooooo thoroughly enjoy your blog and thank YOU! hugs!! :D
    Have a Beautiful day!

  4. Thank you for posting my layout! Love using your tapes - and these cat ones are precious - thank you! And I love those solar lights!

  5. TY so very much for this cute tape!!!

  6. I just love all of these tapes!!

  7. AnonymousJune 13, 2007

    Hi there Mrs. Miles, thank you for making those lovely cat I can add cute tapes to my cat lo..thanks for making them..
    Hugs Silvia

  8. Good Afternoon Barb:)
    Thank you so much for coming to see me.I like it when you want to bug me.LOL
    Thank you so much for the wonderful tapes you have been making us.I love them all!!How cool!
    I have been helping my DH paint some more on the front porch.We are just putting primer on it right now and then have to do it all over again with the final coat of paint.That is probably why it has taken us so long.LOL
    Did you get to go swimming? Sounds like fun:)

    Have a fantstic rest of the day:)


  9. Oh, I'm so excited to see the kitties:) I've been patiently waiting and you sure didn't disappoint! Thanks so very much for making these. Each one is cuter than the next.
    Big hugs...

  10. AnonymousJune 13, 2007

    I got my cats--I got my cats!!! Any hair in there? Of course I don't really need it as I have plenty of my own. Turns out it felts wonderfully but nobody seems to want anything made out of cat hair. Go figure ... Thank you!!! This is so much fun!

  11. Thanks for the terrific cat tapes! Love em!

  12. AnonymousJune 13, 2007

    Aww, as you know I love cats - I sure will make something using these gorgeous tapes (and send you). thank you so much!
    Also thanks for your nice words about my last LO, it means a lot to get feedback :)
    Norway is a beautiful country! And yes, we do have some good cheese. Also the part where I live, west of Norway, it's known for the beautiful lakes/inlets and mountains. I love walking around in the nature :)
    If you want, you can see more here:

    Melanie is a pretty name!


  13. Thanks so much for the beastie tapes!!Had a much easier time downloading today...must have been PMS-ing the other day!! Hahaha

  14. AnonymousJune 13, 2007

    Thank you for the cute kitties! Also, who knew about the reflexology parks...might have to check those out! Thanks again!

  15. AnonymousJune 13, 2007

    Thank you so much for sharing with us!

  16. AnonymousJune 13, 2007

    The cat and kitten tapes are super - TFS - can't wait to see what you come up with next!

  17. THANK YOU for the CAT tapes!!!

  18. AnonymousJune 14, 2007

    Not a huge cat fan, but these are funny and all your tapes are super! Thanks very much.

  19. Love the cat quotes - I call it Cattitude! Ours definitely have it! No loyalty like a dog - all stubborn & selfish. Gotta love em!

  20. AnonymousJune 14, 2007

    I've just been loving all these tapes that you have been so busy making. These are just wonderful! I appreciate all of your hard work that you put into everything in this blog. Thanks for all that you do for us here!

  21. These tapes are great. Thank you for sharing them. I think my cat thanks you too.

  22. AnonymousJuly 09, 2007

    Thanks so lot for your Tapes. They are so great


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