Saturday, June 16, 2007


I'm taking today off - just whipped you up a nice lickable ice cream cone - YOU decide if it's an element or a template - or just what! It's BIG - stacking up to the full 12 inches of your layouts! I would love to see what you make with this! I uploaded to 4 shared today because PutStuff is down... I hope it works out ok with d/l... I will check in later!

E. Your comment was SO SO SO encouraging and beautiful. I would love to publish it but I can understand your shy 'bout that. You KNOW you've been in my prayers many times and I too, think highly of you! Have a Blessed Day!

I'll leave you with a small thought for the day, a small bit written by P.S. Menzies many, many years past:

We talk of creation as a past thing. But the truth is, creation is eternal. Creation never ceases. Every time theh clouds drop in rain, every time the water freezes into new ice, every time the juices of nature gather into another violet, every time a new wail of life is heard upon a mother's breast, every time you breathe another sigh, or shed another tear, there is God as truly present in His miraculous capacity as on the day when He said "Let there be light"


  1. Love the thought for the day...makes me want to go to the lake or the woods or even just to my yard and truly take in and appreciate creation!!!!

  2. Good Morning Barb:)
    I love ice cream!And this one won't make my sugar go up.LOL How cool..or I should say Cold!hehe.Thank you so much.:)
    Hope you are enjoying your day off.I may just do that tomorrow too.:)We are having a cookout here for my DH and my youngest son.My son is Step Dad to our three grand daughters.:)But you'd never know he wasn't their paternal one.:)I had a Step Dad too since I was two.He married my Mom when she had three of us kids..and we were al pretty young..then they had my sister.:)He went to be with the Lord six years ago.But he was always Daddy to us.:)Since I was very very young when my paternal Dad died..I only know my step Dad as Daddy.:)I will be thinking of him tomorrow.He is with our Heavenly will be a great Fathers Day!!:)But..I do miss him.A few years before he left us..he got my sister and me a cd with the song Butterfly kisses.I can hardly play it without crying.:)I don't know why I am telling you all this..cept..I wanted to share something personal with you ..and I guess whoever reads this.LOL
    Have a great day off!


  3. AnonymousJune 16, 2007

    Hi there Mrs. Miles...thanks again for your that one too...i will post it on my blog..not a surprise anymore I know...enjoy your day off... Hugs Silvia

  4. AnonymousJune 16, 2007

    Its me again Silvia...thanks Mrs. Miles for comming to my blog and the sweet words you left for me..Im glad you like my layout of my Mom and of course you can post it on your blog...that is so sweet of you...have a nice weekend
    Big Hugs Silvia

  5. Love the ice cream! Do you think you could put the dog tapes on 4shared since putstuff has never let me download them? I'd love to use some on my daughter's b-day page since she got so many stuffed puppies - her favorite thing in the world! Thanks!

  6. Hi Barb,
    Yes, smooth is how those high power drugs had me floating yesterday. That is kind of funny that you and I are meshing brainwaves for our freebies! I had seen yours on Ikea's list but hadn't gotten over here yet. My head is still a bit unhappy but I don't like taking too many of the good meds because they make me a little too smooth. Well I haven't done any work on our project to be honest I was trying to get ready for daddy day tomorrow. There's a sale and I had to get the presents form Dadoo and hubby done. But I'm hoping I can now get some work done on our project and the other various collab kits I'm committed to this week.
    P.S. I hope you feel better soon!

  7. Thanks so much for sharing the thought of PS Menzies with us. It's beautiful, very poetic and very real. :)

    Have a great weekend and thanks a million for the freebies in your blog. :)

    Best wishes. :o)

  8. thank you so very much for the ice cream treat!!! Please have a WONDERFUL day, we'll stop back tomorrow!! :D hugs!

  9. AnonymousJune 18, 2007

    what a beautiful thought for the day! tyfs


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