Monday, June 11, 2007


butterflies and flamingos

If you RIGHT CLICK on the download link, and choose the option "Open in New Window" you won't be taken away from my blog entry, rather you will be able to download the element and still read today's entry.

Welcome to Monday, folks! I hope this week is good for you. You know, I believe I get something called a Monday mentality - and I don't even have a formal job? I'm going to work on erradicating that thought from my mind.

If you have an opportunity you may want to slip over to my friend Kat's blog to encourage her - she recently had surgery and her recovery is not a quick and easy as she would have hoped... Throw in her lil guy's third birthday in the middle... I'm praying for you Kat...


Thanks for putting my picture into such beautiful surroundings!


Picture - Mrs. Miles Template - Kissed StudioKit - Charlie's World - Designs by Candee (aka CDez)Font - Scriptina


I whipped this pie up the other day and it was just terrific!

(simply delicious!)

1 baked pie shell
1 package Shirriff Lemon Pie filling
1 good sized fresh pineapple
2 tablespoons freshly minced ginger

Prepare the Lemon Pie Filling as directed. Let cool (about one hour)

Meanwhile, peel and chop the pineapple into small 1/2 inch chunks. Soak up as much of the excess juice as you are able, using paper towels, or draining it well. Mince the ginger very fine and then fold it into the pineapple.

When the Pie Filling has cooled, fold the pineapple and ginger in. Pour all into the baked pie shell. Cool. Serve with dollops of fresh whip cream, sweetened with brown sugar.
I also like to toast some sweetened coconut in the toaster oven, on a bit of tin foil, and sprinkle it ontop of the whip cream, just before serving!

Warning: You better give 1/2 of this pie to someone right away or you will eat the entire thing - like we did!


pretty well, obviously - Bonnie's box is a growing concern!

I recently read this neat trick in a March 2006 back issue of Martha Stewart magazine, and it's got me thinking it would be a good one for summer entertaining. Its a great way to dress up any material thing, eg: shower curtain or tablecloth....

Start by collecting a variety of complementary-coloured cloth flowers (craft stores, yard sales, thrift shops) Remove the 'flowers' from their stems. Stick mini-magnets with fabric glue to the backs of the flowers, just above the raised centers (the bigger the flower, the further up you must place the magnet, to make the flower hang flatly) Secure the flowers to any soft surface by placing a second magnet on the reverse side of the cloth or curtain!

Here's another sweet idea:

Create flower 'shaped' sugar cubes for your special event. To make them, add 2 tsp. of water to 1 cup of sugar and mix until the sugar is the consistency of wet sand. Pack moistened sugar into plastic mold trays (with shapes 1 to 1.5 inches wide) which you can buy at kitchen supply stores. Scrape level using a spatula, then immediately turn out molded shapes onto a parchment lined tray. Let harden overnight. Store in an air-tight container in a cool, dry place for up to a month.


Thought for the day:

The rule for us all is perfectly simple. Do not waste time bothering whether you 'love' your neighbor; act as if you did. As soon as we do this we find one of the great secrets. When you are behaving as if you loved someone, you will presently come to love him. - C.S. Lewis

Find out where you can render a service; then render it.

The rest of it is up to God.

"Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people..."

Galatians 6:10

Today in History:

1488 - Battle of Sauchieburn - Scotland

1770 - Capt Cook runs aground on Australian Great Barrier Reef

1838 - Iowa Territory organized

1859 - Comstock silver load discovered near Virginia City - Nevada

1895 - 1st auto race

1919 - Sir Barton 1st horse to win the Triple Crown

1942 - US & USSR sign Lend-Lease agreement during WW II

1947 - WW II sugar rationing finally ends

1955 - 1st jet magnesium airplane flown


Wow - What a Race!

Ok, car racings not MY thing - but I'm sure most guys (yes, YOU brother Barry!) and some of us women are attracted to it - and I definately don't agree with street-racing etc... but if a guy has to get the speed out of his system, and there's a sanctioned event to do it in... well, this would be something you need to see. This is definately a Monday morning waker upper...

Ari Vatanen Pikes Peak climb


  1. TY so very much for todays beautiful tape!!!
    Whoa the recipe sounds sooooooo good will have to give it a try!!! LOL

  2. Thank you for this series!! Very creative.

  3. Sounds like a “cool” pie for a “hot” day! I’ll have to try it soon.

    As for the garden … I wish I could say mine was growing as fast. Wow, it seems weeks ago that those boxes were just empty dirt.

    I love using magnets and find all manner of things that they are handy for. Lee Valley sells some good earth magnets that really hold.

    Aren’t those baby birds just the ugliest! And so demanding. Keeps those poor parents hoppin’ I bet.

    Thanks for stopping by again!

  4. love those flamingos...well sis we afre down to the last days ...thanks for all the prayers and love

  5. Hi!
    Love the butterflies.

  6. I love these!!! thanks!

  7. AnonymousJune 11, 2007

    this tapes series is the coolest about some "dog" tapes??? just a suggestion. thanks again.

  8. Thanks !!! If you want I've got a little chart cross stitch on my blog for you...

  9. AnonymousJune 11, 2007

    Love all the birdies, tapes and pix, thank you!

  10. AnonymousJune 11, 2007

    Hiya Barb, Sorry I haven't been around the last couple of days. I had to do some overtime hours at my work. I work with brain and spinal injury clients. It is a very demanding job, but on the same token a very rewarding job. It makes my day when I know I have made a difference in my client's day...All smiles...Thank for all the latest gifts.


  11. Thanks so much for teh tapes! Putstuff was being a PITB today...took me to 42 different pages (I kid you not) before it let me download...)

    That pie sounds like just thte ticket on a hot Canadian day like today...mmmmm

    Have a great evening!

  12. you never run out of ideas do you?! these tapes just keep getting better and better!!!, i am praying for your friend Kat (i went to her site and let her know also)....
    your lil birdie pic gave me a smile and a blessing, i so want to be like they are in that i want to sit, head thrown back, mouth open in praise, waiting for our Father to fill me up!

  13. Oh I LOVE todays tape!!! TY!

  14. This is totally off topic.. Have you seen this site?

    They ahve some great music if anything else...

  15. AnonymousJune 11, 2007

    Thanks for the pretty tape; love the butterflies!

  16. Happy Monday! I'm having a catch up day at home. And a lot of rest to catch up from the oh-so-busy weekend! Hopefully I'll even get a chance to blog :)

  17. AnonymousJune 11, 2007

    Pretty butterfly tapes, a yummy pineapple pie, baby birds, and more...what a lovely blog today! Thank you for sharing so much of yourself with us. I enjoy your writings daily. I'd also like to thank you for your referral to the "Cicero Sings" blog. I am having fun reading hers too. I hope you have a wonderful week :-)

  18. AnonymousJune 11, 2007

    Thank you for all of your wonderful goodies today :-) The pie looks delicious!

  19. thank you so much for another wonderful entry full of fun links, great pix and awesome freebies! Have a GREAT day!

  20. AnonymousJune 12, 2007

    Thx again for that great Tapes

  21. AnonymousJune 12, 2007

    Mrs Miles,
    Thanks so much for the great tapes!! These are wonderful!! :) God Bless,

  22. AnonymousJune 12, 2007

    hmmmmm, wanted to know what I'd suggest for a theme? LOL. I would say butteflies(got them), fishing(got them too), spring/summer flowers, quotes about baby girls? If I think of something else, I'll let you know. And thanks so much for bookmarking my blog, hope you will visit again soon. :) Thanks for the wonderful comment about my designing. Maybe some day I'll have my own store. Ya never know. ;) Take care!!

  23. LOVE these butterflies and flamingoes tapes - so pretty - thank you!

  24. Thank you for the beautiful butterfly tapes!


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