Friday, June 01, 2007


If you RIGHT CLICK on the download link, and choose the option "Open in New Window" you won't be taken away from my blog entry, rather you will be able to download the element and still read today's entry.

You spoke, I listened! Thanks for suggesting these designs for my tapes. I still have a few ideas, so look for more tapes, and I'm still open to more suggestions!

Ok, today is a day of 'firsts'. My FIRST first is that my blog is evolving. I've never before promoted a paid product on my blog before. I did this intentionally because I wanted to just share. Share my elements, share God's word, share tips, share ideas and I wanted it to be a place for you all to just fill up. Besides, it took me a long time to grow enough in my computer skills to reach the point that I would feel able to market my own 'stuff''. Well, the FREE stuff won't change - you'll always be able to visit for a daily free download (well, 'cept for the days I take off) but I may create some kits and elements for market too - and I need to be able to promote myself, right?

Also, my DEAR friend Sonya and our friend Katy have just launched their own store - and I'm so very proud of them that I simply can't NOT share. Their store, Kissed Studio will feature all sorts of templates. Sonya has been basically my mentor, scrap-wise and in so many ways, over the past few years. She added me to her chat after meeting me in a chat at Scrapbook-bytes and babysat me till now... I can't tell you how big of a job that must have been for her. I wish you and Katy every success, my friend!


They've a great freebie giveaway to celebrate their opening and also a terrific sale on, too. I know you will love their stuff! You can find their store by clicking HERE


Today dawned crystal clear and calm. The lake lay like a sheet of glass at the foot of the mountains, and it beckoned us. Miles and I went for a good walk, while it was cool and as we stood looking out over the lake he asked if I would like to go for my first kayak today. O Yeah!!! I chose the yellow kayak which worked to my advantage, as his blue hand made one turned out to be more armwork. Luckily for Miles, he's been working out his arms at the gym regularly, and it enabled him to keep up to me, even when he had to catch up after encouraging me to go ahead. I made it all the way to the other side of the lake, and back! It was simply lovely gliding over the water...


The first of June,
Hooray, Hooray,
Out doors swimming starts today!

My friend Alicia made up this little ditty for me... though as she points out, one could substitute the word swimming for any word you would want, and change the month... at any rate, it was a perfect first swim day. Osoyoos Lake is Canada's warmest fresh water lake and it can get quite 'soupy' toward the end of summer. This time of the year its at its best - cool and lucsious, and not too busy with boats yet!

I have to tell you that yesterday I nearly choked out the staff of Mile's school. I was exeriencing hunger pangs and thought I might heat a frozen bun in the micro. I tossed it in, for 3 min on what I thought was defrost... next thing I know there are whisps of smoke furling out of the door. I raced over, ripped the offending blackness from inside and ran outoors and let it smoulder in an abandoned plant-pot... staff began arriving for the staff meeting... and the apologizing began. :

I just read an interesting article on whether insects can get fat - or not and if you wonder too, you can read all about it HERE.

Today in History

1638 - 1st earthquake recorded in U.S. - at Plymouth - Mass

1845 - Homing pigeon completes 11 -000 km trip (Namibia-London) in 55 days

1949 - 1st magazine on microfilm offered to subscribers - Newsweek

1951 - 1st self-contained titanium plant opened Henderson Nevada

1957 - 1st US runner breaks 4 minute mile - Don Bowden

1967 - Beatles release "Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band"

1971 - Ed Sullivan's final show


Fake OR?

Take a look at the ten images below. Some of them are photographs of real objects or scenes, others are created by computer graphics (CG) artists. Test your ability to tell which among the array of images are real, and which are CG. If you want a closer look, click the image to see a larger view of the picture. Once you've decided what's what, click either CG or REAL to begin the tally of your score. Work through each of the ten images. When you've finished, you'll be prompted to get your score.



  1. love the tapes....oh the swim looks so inviting ....glad to hear you are getting time to enjoy it ...have a great weekend ...I will check out the new Lissed site for some new kits ...thanks

  2. Kayaking & swimming. Oh how jealous I am. But in a week and a bit, maybe I'll have the time for morning kayaking as well! Looks like it was a loverly morning :)

    Congrats on starting to market your own stuff. You make such beautiful things, I'm sure you could be successful at it!

  3. Thank you for these wonderful tapes - I LOVE all of them! And thank you for those great tips you posted from your friend yesterday - they're so fun to read!

  4. AnonymousJune 01, 2007

    Wow, I'm the first to post at your blog. First the freebie is awesome. Thank you sooo much for sharing your wonderful talent. Also if you decide to market your stuff I definitely would be a loyal customer...Well you have a great evening...


  5. AnonymousJune 01, 2007

    Thank you for the assorted tapes. They are very cute. Have a great day!

  6. thenks - bardzo mi sie podoba ;)

  7. Marvelous tapes, thank you!

  8. Thanks for the great tapes! Can't wait to use them!

  9. AnonymousJune 02, 2007

    Fabulous tape again today! Thanks!

  10. Just stumbled across here and these tapes are incredible! Thank you for sharing!

  11. While you are enjoying warm weather we are freezing our **** off here in South Africa! Thanks for the cute tapes, I love them.

  12. Thanks for the great and cute tapes!! I love them!!!

  13. Oh, those tapes are just darling!
    Thank you for something new to the old! Lotsa fun!


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