Wednesday, June 06, 2007

more sports! (soccer, tennis, biking, running, volleyball, golf)

If you RIGHT CLICK on the download link, and choose the option "Open in New Window" you won't be taken away from my blog entry, rather you will be able to download the element and still read today's entry.

You asked - I made! Lucy & Corri - I know these are some elements you specifically requested. Stay tuned for some rockin' Father's Day tapes coming tomorrow!

Just a wee entry today, Lassies and Laddies (I like to drive Miles nuts with my fake accents some days, he,he!) Must be something left over from my childhood. My Stepmother was a transplant from England, so I'm quite profficient at the Queen's English... truly, one day I'm going to have a 'high tea' of my own right here!


The storm was devastating yesterday! Some of Miles students were missing from school as they had to do damage control and repair to their properties. The rain came with such fury that it almost completely eroded their flowerbeds... and it washed all that topsoil down to, and across, the road - right into the basement of a parent of another student - flooding it entirely! I've had another accounting of the flooding and a terrific local lightening story - just waiting for permission to share with you!

Some thoughts for your day, for all of you, but specially for my friend Becky, who's at a point in her life where she's getting to see God working in her life day by day right now. I'm soooo excited to see what door He's opening up for you - because you trusted Him enough to give control over to Him. Looking forward to seeing you today, my friend.

The next hour, the next moment, is as much beyond our grasp and as much in God's care, as that a hundred years away. Care for the next minute is just as foolish as care for the morrow, or a day in the next thousand years - in neither can we do anything, in both God is doing everything. - George Macdonald.

Let us then be up and doing,

With a heart for any fate;

Still achieving, still pursuing,

Learn to labour and to wait.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow


I have to put in this little snippet my Mother in Law said when they left here... not looking forward to the long drive home, she said "I wish I could just wiggle my nose, and be home"... I dunno, I thought that was SO cute. Reminds me of when we were little and watched Bewitched, or I Dream of Genie - do you remember these shows?

I was forwarded a very good message from my friend Marie. It does not say where it originated. I thought it was a great one to share with you:

Put your car keys beside your bed at night. If you hear a noise outside your home or someone trying to get in your house, just press the panic button for your car. The alarm will be set off and the horn will continue to sound until either you turn it off or the car battery dies.

This tip came from a neighborhood watch coordinator. Next time you come home for the night and you start to put your keys away, think of this: It's a security alarm system that you probably already have and requires no installation. Test it. It will go off from most everywhere inside your house and will keep honking until your battery runs down or until you reset it with the button on the key fob chain.

It works if you park in your driveway or garage. If your car alarm goes off when someone is trying to break in your house, odds are the burglar or rapist won't stick around.... After a few seconds all the neighbors will be looking out their windows to see who is out there and sure enough the criminal won't want that.

And, remember to carry your keys while walking to your car in a parking lot. The alarm can work the same way there..... This is something that should really be shared with everyone. Maybe it could save a life or a sexual abuse crime.

Be sure to share this message with your friends!


This windmill has been around for a long, long time. I can remember my Grandmother buying bread which had been ground and baked in it. Today, it's an ice cream parlour and part of an amusement park called Rattlesnake Canyon. It's got all sorts of fun things to do - mini golf, rides, water bumper boats (I know theres a name for 'em) and other rides. The owner spoke to us briefly before we went in to try one of the 48 flavors... and he said there's still all the workable fixins' inside the top of the mill which the bakery etc... and it could one day function as such, but probably never will. :( Too bad, it was good bread.

Today in History:

1809 - Swedish Constitution and Flag Day (National Day)

1844 - YMCA founded in London

1889 - Great Fire in Seattle

1909 - Alaska Yukon and Pacific Exposition opens in Seattle

1925 - Walter Percy Chrysler founded Chrysler Corp

1932 - US Federal gas tax enacted

1933 - 1st drive-in theatre opens in Camden NJ

1933 - US Employment Service created

1934 - Securities & Exchange Commission established

1936 - Aviation gasoline 1st produced commercially Paulsboro NJ

1942 - 1st nylon parachute jump Hartford Ct Adeline Gray

1946 - Henry Morgan is 1st to take off shirt on TV

1977 - Supreme Court tossed out automatic death penalty laws

2012 - transit of Venus (between Earth and Sun) occurs


Watch Your Weather!

This is a very cool site which allows you to feed in a location and it will allow you to check and monitor your weather - from webcams even! It works with Google Maps!



  1. TY so very much for todays & yesterdays awesome sport tapes!!!!!

  2. AnonymousJune 06, 2007

    such cool tapes!!!! thanks again.

  3. AnonymousJune 06, 2007

    You're on a wonderful roll! And the lint surely is as good (or better) than cat hair -- lol. I always have to tear off the part of the tape that is open and toss it. But I wouldn't give them up. Thank you!!!

  4. AnonymousJune 06, 2007

    Oooohhh, Thank you sweetie for the sport tapes, my bud form Pen should be thrilled, I love your doing Fathers day tapes! I was thinking you may want to do the seasons to, summer with beach stuff, and Halloween? I know it's early but just throwing out some ideas!

    Rattlesnake Island, we plan to take my two girls there this summer noticed they added more stuff since when my son was there last. He's now 15 and tooo old for kiddie rides he tells me, we'll see, he he...Take care Barb, have yourself a fantastic day, the sun is shinning so hopefully no storms in the forecast, but we could still use the rain now and again!....Hugs Lucy.

  5. AnonymousJune 06, 2007

    Thanks for the sports tapes. So cool. Can't wait until tomorrow to see what you have created next. Could I request a beach ball, sand bucket and shovel, anything swimmin poolish. Also a playground slide and swing set. Also some zoo animals. Sorry, I could get really carried away but these are so wonderful. Thanks for being willing to share your talent. Wait, did I say thank you. I really mean it.

  6. i REALLY LOVE your blog and thank you for all you share :) your flowers are beautiful too!!

  7. Oh! The Windmill :) memories of 10 years ago ... Remember passing by almost every day when I would go home or to work (Green Apple, Border, Sage Pub). Fun years .. I think It was still a bakery at that time .. was it ?

  8. Thanks Barb for more sports tape! Wonderful photos on your blog today~ Thanks for sharing those too!

  9. LOVE these tapes - thank you so much for making the one with volleyballs! But the golf, tennis, and bicycling ones will come in handy too! Great tip on the car keys - I wish I knew about that a few days ago when some kids vandalized our yard light - I'll be ready for them next time!

  10. AnonymousJune 06, 2007

    Hi Mrs. Miles.. as always.. your tapes are wonderful..thank you so much for sharing...those flowers and the wind mill are lovely pics.. looks like a very nice place around where you live..I posted your tapes on my blog again...thats a must!!! Have a wonderful day...
    Hugs Silvia

  11. See you after work today friend!!

  12. Thanks for s'more great tapes!

  13. AnonymousJune 06, 2007

    Hi Barb, Awesome tapes...Thank you so much...Always a pleasure to visit you..Love the pics of the flowers...Enjoyed the tidbits today also. I adore your site, and for me it is a learning experience...This is why I keep coming back. You are a good source for info...~smiles~

    Take care.


  14. AnonymousJune 06, 2007

    Hello Mrs. Miles, thanks for leaving a lovely comment on my blog.. of course you can post my layout on your blog and yes I would like to be added to your are such a lovely person..god bless you
    Hugs Silvia

  15. Did you know I sat here staring at those tapes trying to figure out what they were? Then read the little list you made and still had problems guessing which were what. I must be going blind or something. Nothing big going on over here. Hope you have a lovely day!

  16. AnonymousJune 06, 2007

    Thanks so much for the tape!!

  17. AnonymousJune 06, 2007

    Thank you for the tapes. The pictures are beautiful!

  18. AnonymousJune 06, 2007

    Good Morning. I just want to say that I really think you are very talented. I love visiting your blog as well and read it every morning. Unfortunate I can not download any of your freebies as the URL for is has been blocked by our I.S.P. (I live in Saudi Arabia) but still love your work.!!
    Best regards

  19. Good Morning Barb:)
    I can't wait for you to put your blog up today..Have lots to do.Maybe I can catch you later ..when I have more time.:)
    I love your tapes..Thank you so much for sharing them with me.:)
    I also want to thank you for the tip on the car alarm.What a cool get a car with an alarm system.LOL I will let my sister know about this..she has a fancy car with that thing that talks to her and tells her which road she needs to turn on..what is that called??My brain isn't working.LOL It's a fantastic idea.:)
    Got to go..


  20. AnonymousJune 12, 2007

    Thank you for the word tapes love them.Great work.tfs

  21. Thanks for the super-dooper tapes! and thanks for the safety tip about the alarm. I already forwarded it to some friends!

  22. How wonderful! Thanks ever so much!


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