delightful dogs and puppies
(credit: pics from stock xchng)
If you RIGHT CLICK on the download link, and choose the option "Open in New Window" you won't be taken away from my blog entry, rather you will be able to download the element and still read today's entry.
O God, I thank thee
for all the creatures thou hast made, so perfect in their kind -
great animals like the camel and the monkey,
friendly ones like the dog and the cat,
working ones like the horse and the ox,
timid ones like the squirrel and the rabbit,
majestic ones like the lion and the tiger,
for birds for their songs.
O Lord give us such love for thy creation
that love may cast out our fear,
and all thy creatures see in man
their priest and friend,
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
- Bishop George Appleton
I hope you enjoy these canine themed tapes - I've had so many wonderful suggestions for tape themes pouring in -and dogs and cats are the most popular request so far. Catsrul, Sheryl & Heather specifically - you requested these tapes. Still collecting suggestions, folks!
I want to thank you so much. When I recieve comments for our blog I usually try to track you down thru Blogger to visit your blog - but some of you don't have blogs and I have no way to say hello or thank you. Some of you tell me you find our blog a safe, happy, encouraging, warm place to be and that means so much to me. I know some of you work jobs and can't get here daily. I know some of you are busy with young families. I can't know all your situations, but I do know I can pray for you all. Some of you are so faithful with your comments and that is amazing to me, some of you do a blanket thanks when you can - I've had to do this too, at times. No matter, it all does mean a lot to me, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. My blog truly is your blog!

Bonnie and I went for a bike ride early yesterday morning. When was the last time you were out on a bike? Its funny, but when we are kids, a bike is a magical form of transportation which allows us to travel speedily from place to place... the obvious form of transportation before we graduate to vehicles as adults. Who doesn't have fond memories of learning to ride, or teaching a youngster to ride, sans training wheels?
Unfortunately, for most of us, as we get to be adults, when we forgo our bicycles for cars and they wind up in the garage, collecting cobwebs, or only coming out occaisionally. Miles and I go through phases with our bikes - usually they come out about a dozen times through the warmer months of the year, and we've taken them on holidays some years as well.
If you haven't done it yet this year - crack out your bike! My rides so far have been a small reconnecting of the magic I had riding as a kid. Once I got over the strange feel of it - it was hugely empowering and freeing! How exhilirating it is to zing down a big hill with the wind whistling through my hair (ends only... don't forget to wear a helmet at all times!)
Bonnie and I rode along some rural roads and stopped to smell all the flowers and pull out some weeds. Babies Breath grows wild here and I picked some to bring home as well. The big stop we made along the way was at a home where Bonnie's friend Brenda lives as I HAD to take some time to appreciate the incredible trees in her yard. Brenda, thank you for allowing me to come into your yard to photograph and admire these majestic beauties. What a thing to have these colossal giants grace your property!
To get a sense of how HUGE these trees are, just look at the basket at the base of the tree, to the right. This basket is at least a foot and a half tall and probably two and a half feet wide!
Can you imagine the critters this tree could house? To me, it would be like a giant condo unit for creatures and birds. Oh, if this tree could talk, surely the tales it could tell. Imagine the picnics its sheltered and the storms it has weathered!
Brenda told us that these trees were planted by her father back in 1957... hey, thats not so long ago (haha, I was born in 1958)... so I can only fantisize about the incredible growth these trees go through every single year. This tree, hundreds of feet high, is as only as old as me?
These trees are so tall that my neck got kinked from looking up to the tops, where they seemed to be tickling the bottom of the clouds! I wouldn't be surprized they are tall enough to tickle rain out of the bottoms of the clouds for drinks!
Won't you take a moment to admire a tree today?
Use everything as if it belongs to God.
It does.
You are God's steward.
"The earth is the Lord's and all it contains,
the world,
and those who dwell in it."
Psalm 24:1

Today in History:
1665 - English rename New Amsterdam NY after Dutch pull out
1776 - Va 1st to adopt Bill of Rights
1838 - Hopkins Observatory - dedicated in Williamstown - Mass
1917 - Secret Service extend protection of pres to his family
1936 - 1st 50KW radio station - Pittsburgh Pa
1946 - Philippines National Day
1957 - Paul Anderson of US back-lifts a record 2850 kg
1967 - USSR launches Venera 4 for parachute landing on Venus
1979 - Bryan Allen flew man-powered Gossamer Albatross over English Channel
1982 - 750 -000 anti-nuclear demonstrators in Central Park NYC
1986 - P W Botha declares South African national emergency
Find a Phrase
I always ASSUME... I assume, because I just know, that you all know about this terrific resource for finding phrases and sayings and qoutes etc... If you're a digital scrapbooker, or scrapbooker at all, chances are you do know this site... but this site would be great for almost anyone! I'm talking about the Two Peas site - and in particular, the search feature of their 'soup' - the resources for their quotes etc... Just plug in your key word an it will spit out a wealth of good 'stuff'' .... While you're here you should check out the rest of the site - its chock full of wonderful goodies (its highly addictive...)
thanks for the pet tapes ....those trees are beautiful...yes I hope to get brave and try ride my bike this summer to...sis did you do any tapes with themes like happy birthday or cnadles on them ...if you did I missed them ...sure miss are chats ....
ReplyDeleteGood Morning Barb:)
ReplyDeleteI was in the kitchen cleaning when I thought I would stop and come to say hi to you..I sat down at the puter and messenger alerted me that you had just left a comment for me.LOL We must be on the same wave length today.:)
Thank you so much for your wonderful comment.I was hoping someone would love it.:)So..glad it was you:)
Gonna go with my DD today.I am suppose to be getting a few things done around the house before we go...but just couldn't do that until I came to see you.:)
Have fun at the thrift stores.Let me know what you got:)
oops..I did it again...forgot to say thank you for your wonderful tapes..I LOVE cool!Thank you so much.
ReplyDeleteWhat about scripture tape or Jan-Dec.
Oh said make suggestions.LOL
I love that video "Right Here".How true!!:)
Gotta go...
ReplyDeleteI LOVE THEM!!!
TY so very much Barb!!!
Good blog today!
ReplyDeleteLike the Bishop G Appleton quote.
Biking is grand isn’t it? Makes me wonder why we don’t do it more often. We’ve only been out the once ourselves this year. One of my best holidays was biking the south west part of Ireland with 2 other, older, lady friends (about 13 years ago now … the one lady and the husband of the other are both gone now). The husband of the one lady patiently packed all our “stuff” from place to place so we could ride free and easy (well except for the hills!) Anyway, one really SEES the country when one goes on the bike and you SMELL the smells and HEAR the sounds.
Speaking of the trees kicking the clouds for rain … In 1986 I visited my missionary Aunt in Africa … the Ivory Coast … Cote d’Ivoire. They had cut down most of their magnificent forests near the coast and were finding that now, the rain didn’t come. She told me that the trees call in the rain. Interesting eh? So trees can speak … we just can’t hear them. Every time I have to nip a little tree out of the yard … I apologize to it. It’s hard. We truly do need to be good stewards of all of His creation.
Thanks for your encouraging comment yesterday. Bless you.
P.S. I’m a ’54 kid myself.
Thank you again for sharing.
ReplyDeleteBig Blis,
ReplyDeleteThank you for Two Peas, it is exactly what I was looking for to finish Mike's Father's Day card. Have missed you on Hello... I have been looking, I even paged Miles to see if the lady of the house was around. Miss ya sis. As always I love your blog.
ps. Frog tape would be delightful :)
Your blog is a breath of fresh air each day! First thank you so much for sharing your fun & creative talent!! Second third fourth and on... lol i LOVE the tree pix!! Arent trees beautiful?! i have been an admirer for years now! and tickling the clouds for a drink, what a WONDERFUL mind you have!! thank you so much for sharing a bit of it, each day, i really enjoy you :)
ReplyDeleteand as for the biking lol well, i do believe my biking days over but i do enjoy a good walk!!
also thanks for the cool links you share... i forgot to mention, yesterday, that my DH REALLY enjoyed the race car link :D!!! Have a Blessed and Beautiful day!!
Thanks so much for sharing. Enjoy reading your blog each day.
ReplyDeleteGreat photos! And thank you for the pet tapes :)
ReplyDeletewow it´s perfectly for my dog Lo´s many thanks
ReplyDeleteYou are such a sweetie to take the time to leave encouraging notes - thank you so much! And thank you for the wonderful pet tapes - they're soooo cute! Check out my blog for the latest post - I used your fabulous volleyball tapes!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Barb!
ReplyDeleteThank you Barb for the doggie tapes. I love my animals! 4 dogs 3 cats at the moment. LOL
ReplyDeleteOh these are so fun Barb! TY!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for the tapes. Today's ones are really lovely, I love so much dogs even though I don't have one now. :) I also liked a lot the prayer for all the animals. It's beautiful and very heartfelt. We don't usually remember animals and they are not very well treated a lot of times, but they are part of the planet as we are.:)
ReplyDeleteI'm from Spain, living in Ireland for the last 7 years and my mother used to say the very same that Cicero has written, that trees call the rain. We were always talking that people should plant more trees in Spain so that we didn't have so many droughts in there. But we don't have many rain in there, and we have too many forest fires.:( Unlike Ireland where there is absolutely no problem with water.
Anyway thanks a lot for the tapes and the very interesting posts in your blog. :)
Best wishes. :o)
How cute are those tapes?!! And what an incredible tree. Thank you for sharing!
ReplyDeleteThese tapes are too cute! Thank you!
ReplyDeleteThanks for more great tapes - and more interesting posts!
ReplyDeleteohhhh..thanks so much for honoring my request for dog tapes!!!! I was given a wonderful sheltie puppie for mother's day...and these will be such fun to use. The Lord has made so many wonderful animals in the world for our and His pleasure...but dogs give such love...they make you feel like the greatest person in the world! i tell Snickers ( the dog) all the time:"You were made by the Lord....the God of heaven and earth!" Somehow, he appears to pay attenion! thanks again.
Thanks so much for the freebie and the links. Always so interesting at your blog! :)
ReplyDeleteMy bike has been sitting in the garage collecting dust for years. I didn't want to ride it do the the little seat that hurts my "seat". Well...Monday night I was in a Wal-Mart and saw a display of bike seats. They were wider and had padding. I bought one. Tuesday I put it on the bike, made all necessary adjustments, and off I went. It was so nice to ride again. Made me think back to when I was a kid and rode bikes all the time. I plan to ride as much as I can now.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I wanted to thank you for the doggie tapes. They are adorable. Not trying to critique you but I did notice a spelling error/typo. The one that says "Dogs are miricles with paws." Shouldn't "miricles" be spelled "miracles"? :) You do such wonderful work, I hate to point out any flaws. Thank you again. As always, enjoying your blog.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for making some DOG tapes!!!!