Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Simon Says Monday Challenge & a FREE cutting file!

I just ♥ when a challenge comes along the exact time I’m thinking up a new creation in my head.  This is just what happened when I saw this Monday’s Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge and the theme is No Rules.

I decided to step up to the plate with a new cutting design I dreamed up in my head and will also offer it to you today too!


I decided to create this gift box and little gift tags set from the ground up.  I thunk it all up in the night as I fell off to sleep.



After I designed this cut for your Silhouette cutting machine (I have a Cameo) I made a few tweaks and then added these darling little gift tags as well.  This designer paper I chose “Fanciful Be You” by Junkitz is double sided so I added a piece of plain pink copy paper to the inside so the tags can be written in.  If you’re using one sided paper you won’t have to. 


And after the tags were all assembled with bits of twine (you might choose ribbon or sometimes I find crochet cotton is perfect for this as it comes in many colors and is inexpensive. Without further ado, here is the cutting file for you to enjoy.  I hope you’ll send folks here to download this FREEBIE – I do love a little comment ♥ if I must say.  Its like a hug for creating and sharing! 




zipped file with previews


  1. Such a wonderful idea. You are so full of amazing won't I be wishing I had a machine. 😀

  2. Thank you for such an awesome gift Barb!!! It is perfect for so many things. Have a beautiful day!!! hugs, patty

  3. Fabulous project and such a wonderful idea! Thank you so much for sharing your project and for joining us over on the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge Blog! :)

  4. wow what a very nice little gift for a friend
    Thank you for all your hard work. :))))

  5. Thank you so much for making and sharing this. This will work very nicely for my annual tea party.

    I appreciate your wonderful talent. I have never learned how to create any of my own files.


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