Monday, February 23, 2015

365 Photo(s) of the Day

Feb 23 2015 2

You may wonder why I’ve begun with this bleak picture.  Well, it makes me sad.  Each time I walk by I want to cry.  This chopped down brush guards a tiny creek. This tiny creek would feed the brush, the brush in turn would be full of bird song when I’d walk by.  I believe it was cut down to allow more sun to reach the vineyard.  Though the grapes are truly a fair way off.  I’m sickened that someone would value a few grapes over precious natural habitat. 


Feb 23 2015 1

This tiny creek can produce beautiful watercress and catnip abounds.  And directly across the road from where the brush was cruelly cut down (and not even a neat job of it!) there is a pond where the Conservancy is working to try to reestablish a population of local frog species.  I wish the winery would realize being good neighbors and partners with this sort of thing would be good advertising.  Being a good steward is cool! 

Ok, I’ve finished my rant.


Feb 23 2015 4

And why a rusty old penny you ask? 

Why, because this is a rare thing, and will only become rarer now that pennies are not used in Canada.  I have picked up pennies all my life and will miss that.  Strange it will seem irrelevant to our grandchildren.


Feb 23 2015 3

Why this sign?

It just caught my eye, so bold and bright!  Shouting forcefully – SLOW DOWN!  But not everyone does. 


Feb 23 2015 5

Drat!  Why did I forget my “good” camera in the car?  I could only get so close to this eagle before…


Feb 23 2015 6

He swooped off across the glassy lake.


Feb 23 2015 7

As I sort of started with greenery, I will end with it as well.  What a welcome sight pushing up through the ground. 

Hope you enjoyed coming on my walk with me today.

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