Sunday, February 08, 2015

365 Photo of the Day


I tried a new recipe today - a Rhubarb Custard Pie.  I based it loosely on a recipe I found online at for Cream Cheese Rhubarb Pie, but as usual for me I totally messed around with ingredients.  For example, I substituted my own homemade Puff Pastry instead of regular pastry.  I added some lemon slices into the rhubarb when I cooked the filling, to impart a zing - of course I removed the slices before pouring this into the shell.  With the Cream Cheese custard I added a few drops of Watkins Rum Flavoring and scraped a small length of a fresh vanilla bean into the custard.  

I'm totally going to remake this recipe in the future.  It was easy and delicious.  

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