Wednesday, February 11, 2015

365 Photo(s) of the Day


Oh I am hoping bugs don’t make your squirm, but I just had to capture this critter on film because I didn’t expect to see something like this until much later!  After all, it’s only February here in Osoyoos BC!


Even though we are in Canada’s only “Pocket Desert” even I know that it is unusual to see things flying and crawling for a while yet. 

Ok, bug show and tell is over, on to my last photo.


Yeah!  A big Banana Tower!

Ok, I saw this at a Starbucks in West Kelowna BC (they say they do it all the time) and so I just had to come home and re-create it.  I hardly want anyone to eat one now.  And if they do, I think they should have to try to take the bottom one first without disturbing the rest.  Like “that game” we used to play as kids, though I can’t recall what it was called.  Can you help me out on this one?


  1. The bug is very cool looking, especially beside the yarn. Love the edible tower too.

  2. Cool bug! :) Are you thinking of the game, Jenga or pick up sticks?:)


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