Saturday, February 14, 2015

365 Photo of the Day

Me and Mel Valentines 2015

How sweet life is – to get to see my daughter on Valentines.  A reminder of how lucky I am to be Mom to someone who loves me just as I am.  She pours ♥ out on me in buckets and makes me want to be the best I can be.

It goes without saying that My handsome Mr spoils me and I also got time with my Mom in Law and so all around it was a wonderfulest day in my universe. 


  1. Aweeeeee my sweet little mummy!!!! Your gDawg and I are so happy we got to spend time with you guys today!! Love you soooooo much!! And miss you already!!!

  2. sounds like an awesome time ....Mel is a sweety ...all that love


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