Friday, December 17, 2010

A Unique Eat

A friend of ours has a small restaurant which serves delicious food. Recently she began experimenting with this dessert and chose us as her tasters.

What is it? Well it's deep fried - so crispy on the outside but soft and hot on the inside. The filling includes sesame seeds, banana and avocado. I know this sounds Luke a highly unlikely pairing but we assure you, as this is our second tasting - it works!

Perhaps we will see this thing names and onthe menu this coming year.

-- Post From My iPhone


  1. It truly doesn't sound like a likely combo!

  2. Good morning Barb:) had me up until the avacados.LOL
    It sure does sound like an odd combination...but I am sure if you liked all of is really good.:)
    Have a wonderful weekend my friend!!

    Huge hugs and lots of love,


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