Saturday, December 04, 2010

Late for Tea! - and stay tuned to this blog for an ANNOUNCEMENT tomorrow!

A few weeks ago I was given an invitation to, and a request to post on my church blog, several events going on with some of the other churches in our community.  I love that we support each other's ministries and so I had an opportunity to go to the Festive Tea today at St. Anne's Catholic Church.  The invitation came from my friend Vi Kovak who informed me the money generated from draw ticket sales all goes to a very good cause - Canadian Food for Children. 

I've never been to this tea *blushing* and all I knew from the invitation was that it was to be held from 1 - 3.  So I assumed it meant it was held from 1 to 3 and one could just drop in, sip tea, nibble goodies and float around at will.  However, upon arriving there was a mad scurry of activity (I arrived at 1:30 ish) - it was packed to the rafters and a hum of activity.  I was fortunate my friend Vi took me in hand at a moment and found me the last seat in the house, supplied me with the tickets I needed and before I knew it I was planted at a table next to my own neighbor, her mom and a lovely friend from our local Painter's and Potter's group who I greatly admire. 

The tea was FUN!  I had arrived just in time for the draws and before I knew it I was the winner (the old number under the dinner plate trick) of a bucket of A&W Chubby Chicken.  Humm, am I being tested?  Ah well, extra time on the treadmill and I'm sure I'll be SO grateful one of these hectic festive nights when I simply don't have time to turn out a meal. 

So that was my big excitement for the day - and now I am off to prepare...

(tune in HERE tomorrow for a BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!)


  1. Ooking forward to it!

    So what did you eat with your tea? I love the details !

  2. Good morning Barb:)
    Chubby chicken?? hehe..Is that the chicken..or the person after he eats the chicken?:) Congratulations on your win!!!! How COOL is that? In the right place at the right time!!
    Waiting patiently for your BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!!:)

    Huge hugs and lots of love,


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