Sunday, December 12, 2010

Three New Products and a FREEBIE for YOU!

Whew, I did not think I was going to make a post today, I had so much going on. Our beautiful daugther came down for a visit, we got snowed in last night which made for some special Mom/Daughter time. Because of the big snowfall we had to grill our steaks in the oven rather than have our handsome Mr. shiver himself out in the cold. The snow was replaced by very wet snow today and eventually something very close to rain and all the lovely fluffy stuff has turned into something very solid and wet. Thankfully the roads have been cleared though.

Now the weekend is nearing an end and the days should take on some form of a routine - I'm grateful I will have a day to take a breath and organise. There are several festive functions coming up and lots to think about and DO!

In the meantime I managed to launch three - technically four new products into the Scrapbook-Elements store, just in time for Christmas kits and layouts!  I'll start with the product(s) which count as TWO, because there are two different versions of it - one personal, one professional use!  The difference is reflected in the price - the professional use one, of course being a few dollars more.  Click the links below each preview to visit the store where you can purchase these - and get there fast and you might just find they are on SALE for a day or two!

I've had such fun designing these four products.  I truly enjoy doing the "doodles" - working with several vector editing programs, learning in leaps and bounds and being able to apply what I'm learning.  The "doodles" are all very large and crisp - I can hardly wait to see how they are used in personal layouts, designs and professional projects.  I think they would be terrific even for colouring pages.  I really think my acrylic looking Festive Frames will be perfect for those "shiny and bright" Christmas photos.  But I do confess I have a soft spot for the Gem Flakes.  Extracted from real snowflake images they are so delicate and beautiful - the tiny jewel inside each one giving that extra touch of magic to your projects. 

And of course I always like to give you a sample from one of my products so I used the string of lights elment from the Christmas Doodles kit and created this 12 inch wide coloured lights string from the "Doodle"  This will give you a small sample of what you might do with these drawings.  Imagine what all of these would look like filled with papers/textures etc!  

Thanks for taking time to visit today - and it would mean much if you were kind enough to leave a comment.  I'm using a new service for upload - I LIKE how it has NO ads!  Please, do not share the link, I would appreciate it if you send your friends here to pick it up for themselves.   For the work that went into making this for you, I don't think thats too much to ask :)   I'd love feedback on how the download service works for you so I will know if I will use it for future shares. 


  1. wow girl you have been busy ...will have to go over to the shop ans check everything out ..have a great week ...maybe we will get a chance to chat..


  2. Good morning Barb!!:)
    I am thrilled you got to spend quality time with your DD.How COOL it that?:)So sweet of you not to allow Miles to freeze outside grilling steaks!! hehe
    Your doodles are sooo absolutely COOL!! I love to see you drawing again!!:)The frames will come in quite handy also...and.. I also LOVE that you are sharing your WONDERFUL Christmas lights with us too! Thank you soo much.:)
    I LOVE the new download site. No waiting and no pop up ads..what more could we ask?LOL Thanks for that too!!:)
    Have a wonderful day and try to stay warm and dry.:)

    Huge hugs and lots of love,

  3. You are a designing wonder those are fabulous sis. I think you are going to have sales going through the roof. Glad to hear that you had quality time with your girl.

  4. The download service worked great, no ads and was very simple. Thank you for sharing this lovely string of Christmas lights with us. Thanks also for your time and talent. Have a very Merry Christmas.

  5. Thank You !

  6. Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave in the DigiFree category today [14 Dec 01:00am GMT]. Thanks, Maria

  7. OMG! the download service works great!!! thank you for the freebie. I wish the best during these coming holidays and may the new year keep you and yours safe and healthy.

  8. Great download service - and a very well-done & useful doodle freebie - thank you for your generosity and a happy holiday season to you (from a Florida gal)

  9. Morning Barbs!!!
    Those doodles are divine!!!!!
    Got much snow there yet? We have a bit but not like London and Sarnia. Both cities are closed and the army cant get to them to help either. =(

  10. Love those lights! Thanks for sharing your talents and goodies with us!

  11. I love the doodles and thank you so much for the de"light"ful stand of doodled lights. I absolutely love the sharing site you led us to.

    Welcome to Scrapbook-Elements. I am excited about playing with your goodies.

    Have a blessed day & enjoy your time with your DD and family during this most wonderful time of year!!


  12. This is gorgeous cute! Thank-u.

  13. Thank you so much for the gift! The download service you found is awesome!


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