Sunday, December 19, 2010

Early Present (blush!)

My Mr. encouraged me to share a photo of me in the pretty dress he bought me for Christmas but gave to me early.  Its a good thing he encouraged me because he I would have chickened out if he did not insist. 

What I really appreciate about this dress is it is so comfortable!  It is made of some buttery soft material which doesn't bind.  I like the little sort of puffed bottom hem, sort of like a flounce.  This also looks wonderful with a pair of leotards or yoga pants beneath.  It does not wrinkle so I can pack it as well and it was bought locally.  I know I will be able to wear this for many occaisions. 

In fact, I wore it today for our church dinner!  Our small church was just hopping, a good time had by all.  I will post on that later on both here and on our OCC blog


  1. Oooooh la la ... aren't we looking nice! Whit whew!

    Glad the Christmas banquet was such a hit.

  2. Good morning Barb:)
    LOVE your dress!!! It fits you to a T as my Mom would say!:) So sweet of Miles to encourage you to show it off.You are BEAUTIFUL!! and I am sure he is VERY proud of you!:)

    Huge hugs and lots of love,

  3. Love the picture sis, you look great.

  4. I think it looks great!!!! Good for Mr. M for encouraging you to post it. And double good for him for buying it for you. Sounds like you should keep him ;)

  5. You look amazing Aunty Barb!!! Glad Miles talked you into showing us you in your beautiful dress.
    I agree all that working out sure does show....could you move to Kamloops and kick my butt into shape? :)

    Well i hope you Have a very Merry Christmas and Thank you so much for your lovely card.

    Lots of love and wishing you and Miles all the best in the New year to come.

  6. woooow... If I could whistle I would.. you look awesome.. what a great gift your hubby bought you.


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