Friday, December 03, 2010

Ooooh - A Parcel of Pretties!

I went to the mailbox,
And what did I see?
A pretty nice parcel,
Waiting for me,
It showed on the box
"Huggies Natural Care"
I wondered should I open,
Right - do I dare? 
But I can't resist parcels
All things in the post
So quick as a wink
The wrapping was toast
And to my great delight,
Inside I did find
An assortment of goodies
That boggled my mind -
Two I will tell you,
Thats all I'll reveal
No matter if you beg
Nor how you appeal,
But this lovely red Advent
Calendar filled with sweets,
And this festive and pretty card
Both deserving of "tweets"
(Thats if I did twitter -
I'm wierd because I don't)
This all from my SIL
With belated birthday greets
And Christmas wishes,
This all completes.
Ok the poem is scrambling,
Not making sense
So I'll quit while ahead
Make no pretense.

Thats what happens when I promise people (JanMary, for example) that I will do a post a day.  I put it off till the very last second, when I am semi-coherent thinking of a nice warm bed waiting for me, my lids all droopy.  I know I did not do justice to all the little things in my SIL's gift.  Its all lovely and wonderful, Judy, thanks so much! 


  1. Good morning Barb:)
    Your poem went quite nicely..
    it was drawing me in..
    Was nice to see presents from
    family and friend.:)
    All those sweet goodies
    for you to unload...
    If we could have seen you...
    your face would have glowed!!:)'s early here.LOL

    Huge hugs and lots of love,

  2. hope you enjoy the parcel and remember share the treats in the advent calender..with that awesome man of yours. Love you guys and miss you lots. Remeber those prayers for me.

    Have a great weekend....



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