Monday, December 06, 2010

Happy Birthday Brothers and another Mojo Monday

Before I get even one nanosecond into my blog post I'd like to wish my brothers (twins) Barry (my SIL Judy's husband) and Bill (sorry no blog link here)  ... wish you!


photo credit: Billy @

Hope your day was extra-special - I'm trying to call but have reached nobody yet! 

It was a very busy day again with the minutiae of Mondays, you know the routine.  But I did take time out to try out the Monday Mojo.  If I don't do it my sister Nina might bite me and I did get my SIL Judy started on this, so can't be letting people down!   Thank goodness - I see Judy thought to take a photo of the birthday card I made Barry, and good thing for I completely forgot.  ;) 

And while I was at it I figured if I was going to drag out all of my supplies I might as well make a little factory assembly line and knock off SEVERAL at a time.  I did - wound up with five nice cards.  Not a terrible one in the batch though I know that as soon as I go a-surfing through the other posts I will feel mine pales in comparison to the incredibly talented carders who undertake the Mojo Challenge.  So, I shall post and then go look so I won't lose my nerve. 

Here is today's sketch:

And here are my various takes on this card:

The background of this one is plain old gift wrap!

This one is merry and bright!

Ah yes, I got tired of doing all the reds and greens!

Sorry, once again a mish mash of all my various supplies, mostly lovingly donated to me and none with names on, though many of the stamps came from Michaels.  Which card do YOU like best? 


  1. Holy Smokes Sis, look at these pretty cards. I recognize that wrapping paper, you made it work in a way I could not. The recipients are going to love these.

  2. I am SO impressed that you made 5 adorable cards today! Wow! I just love the cute Santa cards, especially the one with the sparkly candy cane! So fun!! :)

  3. wow..can't believe that these cards are made by recycle papers!! awesome!!

  4. I like them all, but I think the first Santa tag card has a slight lead.
    Wonderful cards, all of them. Well done.

  5. Such fun holiday cards. Thanks for playing Mojo Monday!


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