Sunday, October 15, 2006


Ah, refreshing rain!

Oh, how I love the warm, sunny days of Autumn, with the leaves all brilliant and the big buttery-yellow harvest moon rising behind the mountain. But we have not had rain here forever, it seems and though we are living in Canada's only Pocket Desert, we still need rain. We need rain to replentish our water levels and to help with the forest fires which, though we can't see them (when they don't threaten people's homes they don't make the news) they still need to be squelched. And how sweet it is to wake in the night to the soft pattering of rain washing the town clean for a glistening new day.

And when I hear rain, it reminds me of my gift from Jesus - that each day is new, in Him. No matter what I've done, no matter where I have been - UNCONDITIONALLY, He loves me. His blood washed away my sins, the moment I confess unto Him and repented. And you know, there have been times in my life I felt so selfish, dirty, mean and unlovable - deserving to be unloved - but He raised me up again. Once I gave over my heart and spirit to Him He created a new child in me. The world may not give you a 'second chance' but My God is a God of second chances. If your at a place today where you're feeling alone and unlovable - know that you ARE lovable. Give your voice over to Him, give Him your burdens, lay them down - today is a new day in Him.

Mark 3:28

I tell you the truth,
all the sins and blasphemies of men will be forgiven them.

I just had to post this picture of the georgeous rainbow candles I was given by my dear friend Rose. We had been in the thrift store about one month ago when we spied these. This was on a rare day we got to visit - Rose is amazing, working a laundromat, Dairy Queen and also completing her Grade 12 at the Learning Center all at the same time, yet she still manages to squeeze in visits with me! What an inspiration she is with her open and loving ways.

Must go get ready for Church - we are leading music today and I'm needing to pray for the music to flow - its not something I actually enjoy to do, I confess. I know He uses me despite this.

Have a Blessed Day! Thanks for stopping by. Also, thank you, each and every one of you for your sweet and helpful comments. I really appreciate all! I love suggestions of things to make, keep them coming - you folks are giving me some creative new ideas.

Sparkling Sinks

To make your kitchen sinks fairly sparkle and gleam, clean them well first, dry them thouroughly and then coat them with a thin coating of either baby oil or vaseline, buffed on with a soft cloth. My friend Janice likes baby oil, but I prefer the plain petroleum jelly because it has no scent. You will be amazed!!


  1. well again another wonderful reminder of what our Lord can do in our lives....thanks so much ...and what a handy tip...never would of thought of that one....thanks for all the elements and the time you spend doing them for us all

  2. Great detailing on the tag - I'm sure I can use it. Thanks for your freebies. I am making them too.

  3. Slap my wrist... I am guilty of dl and dashing 3x now. Keep meaning to say thanks. dial up means I have to wait and got distracted by family members. Feeling very guilty. Would like you to know how much I like your downloads. I especially like your tips and inspirational words. They mean a lot. THANK YOU!


Your comments are a blessing to me!

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