Tuesday, October 10, 2006


I had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend with our family - thank you all so much who wished me a good safe trip! I thouroughly enjoyed every aspect - which, of course, the BIGGEST one is food. See, our Mom is a fabulous cook - not fancy schmancy, but good homestyle food... probably the stuff I don't make for Miles at home, so he gets the best of both worlds. And I have a holiday rule. No diet on holidays. Yep, I intentionally blow any kind of diet that I might think I am on. Mom's food is WORTH breaking for. So, my weekend included all the good stuff - ham, turkey, cookies, pumpkin pie, chocolate cream pie, strawberry slice and ice cream. Now, groan, its time to tighten the belt and get back to the routine.

I thanked Mom (get it? I thank, she gives, he he) and she said (with a BIG grin on her face) that she LOVES to spoil us. Wow - its overwhelming. I will tell you more about our Mom during this week - she is a character, for sure.

Before I forget, some comments are coming in (*beaming*) that a few of you are using Open Office - which is terrific! I just want to make sure, that when you save your documents - choose save as, and for your document type, you may want to be saving them as a word document (word.doc) so that if you are sharing with anyone, or they want to open it on their computer, it will be in the right format. I am so happy to know you are finding it as good a program as me!

I will keep it brief today - filling you in on the rest of the weekend during the next few days...for today, I will focus on our trip down to the coast. First of all, we stopped in Keremeos - a small town one hour west of us, famous for its fruit stands and fall displays. Miles had to try on some exotic squashes for size - as a friend put it "Miles could even make a squash look good" - and I am biased, and agree entirely!

Our next stop was at Doug's Homestead, about 1.5 hours west. This is a small Bakery/Deli - out in the middle of virtually nowhere. There are only a few houses and a provincial campground nearby. But, Doug's thrives because it has exceptional products. In particular, we always stop in for the beef jerky - you have to get there 'first thing' or its just gone. Big peppery slabs of sheer deliciousness. Now, Miles used to teach Doug's kids way long ago, before they grew up and became both successful... So Doug and Miles always have a little catching up to do. Doug also often makes us play the 'guess the weight' game with our jerky and a few times we walk away with our jerky for free. We always buy some for our Dad, who enjoys this occaisional treat. Do you have a specialty food you go out of your way for? I would love to know!

We also drove up a road into the mountains at Manning Park - about 2.5 hours west. We drove up for a good 25 minutes, the van protesting a few times, overheating once. It was worth the effort - the vista was beautiful, though socked and smoked in a bit from the recent forest fires. We were delighted by some birds who came and landed right on our fingers!

Last for today - please continue to pray for Gina - and support her with purchases of her kit. Perhaps you might consider buying some copies for Christmas gifts for your scrapping friends! You can find her kit HERE Thanks for all of you who are walking her journey and encouraging her - I can tell you it DOES make difference.

Some Pretties For You

I have had this site bookmarked forever, and just came across it again the other day, and thought I MUST share it with you. This woman has created all these marvelous little boxes and toys you can fold up... similar to the other ones I linked you to a while back. Why not try one of these and give or send it to someone you love?


  1. Good to hear that you had a fantastic holiday!
    Thank You for the beautiful photo corners

  2. Thank you very much for this great element !

  3. That beef jerky looks GREAT!!! I'm glad you had a happy Thanksgiving! We had a good one, too.

    And thank you so much for the elements!

  4. Barb, thank you so much for the blue star corners. I'm glad you had a safe trip and a happy Thanksgiving! The description of the beef jerky made my mouth water....I love good beef jerky! Do they have an online sales site? I would like to buy some for my daughter, who is another jerky fan, for her birthday. BTW, I'm an Open Office user too!

  5. awesome pictures Barb ..thanks for the elements ..sounds like you had a great and wonderful time and get spoilt...you deserve it ...


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