Tuesday, October 17, 2006


Who boy! If it were not for you folks being so kind and thoughtful alla time, encouraging me and leaving me nice comments. If you did not tell me how much you appreciate what I do here (trust me, its a God Thing! - most days I dunno what will happen here...) then I may have, just may have given up this mornning. See, I got up EXTRA EARLY today, just so I could blog ya. Had my element all lined up... I had to tutor at the Learning Center (Volunteer so that I can give back to all the folks that helped me along the scrapping way, by teaching what I know to the next scrappers out there!) I wanted to get you all looked after before I went off for my day.

I am used to blogger fighting with me. I half expect it... its even become a challenge for me, he he... but what I did not expect, in any way, was to get the 'blue screen' (on my computer it is black, which is how it makes me feel) Yep, for the third time now, in recent months I am computerless. It feels like a part of me is missing, but I am learning to cope, and I refuse to let this beat me. So, here sit I, on my husband's laptop (not RIGHT ONTOP, sillies! lol) (and no Honey, I will not download anything to your machine w/o your approval) This said, I won't dwell and I will be as faithful for you folks as I am able. Thanks for your patience if I need to take a day or two off.

I am preparing my Christmas card for my little Brenda DeLeon, she's the child we sponsor through Compassion international. We have sponsored her for over two years now, and I can tell you that it is a very special experience. I heard a sponsor drive on Moody Radio one day, and my heart was so moved. My husband had just arrived home and found me in tears. He wrapped his arms around me and encouraged me to call and choose a child right then and there. Brenda lives in Guatamala in the mountains. She lives with her grandparents and has a younger brother. Our monthly donation of $35 a month (cdn) allows her to attend school and helps her out. We are considering taking on a second child this year. Two things I truly appreciate with Compassion is that one, I can actually email letters via the Compassion website and they will print, translate and deliver it to my child, and two, in some cases you can actually go and visit your child. Amazing. I encourage you now...if you have someone you just don't know what to get them for Christmas this year, why not sponsor a child for them. I tell you, this gift gives back in ways you can't comprehend. You can check out Compassion Canada HERE or Compassion US HERE

The heart is the happiest when it beats for others!

Hopefully I will catch you tomorrow!!

Have Some Family Fun

If you don't subscribe to, or have access to the Family Fun Magazine - you simply must visit their website. It's chock fun of truly terrific ideas for kids. And big kids. Don't laugh, our library gets them and I take them out and modify some of the fun ideas for my husband. Yeah, they are just big kids too! There are lots of helpful articles, but also tons of craft and recipe ideas.


  1. You truly are an awesome woman!

  2. I sure wish I knew where to start scrapping. I see so many wonderful things here I would love to use! Hope your PC is up and going soon.

  3. thanks for the snowflake...I was just thinking about that for an element and here you are designing one..love it

  4. Thank you so much for sharing your talents.

  5. What a pretty snowflake!! And I really like the family birthstones, as well. Thanks for sharing these things! And I'm sorry your computer is misbehaving. Mine is too. I need to make backups because I'm worried, but I can't access my CD burner. Ugh...

  6. wow! Beautiful! Thank you so much! :)

  7. Thank you for the beautiful flake element! I really hope you get your pc problems sorted soon.

    What a wonderful story about your sponsorship. what a difference you are making to that little girl's life, and so many others too I am sure.

  8. Aw, I'm so sorry for your computer problems again.

  9. Thanks, Barb, for sharing your beautiful elements with us, as well as your other tips and bits of wisdom. I think I will follow your gift suggestion for one of my daughters, who is childless.

  10. Thank You for your gifts.
    I tell myself that I come to your blog for the scrap freebies but I know that's not true... your tips for life cover so very much. You have touched me (helped me) in ways that I don't have the correct words to express. Thank You!

  11. oh i hate computer stuff my DH (well he is not so dear) hates when i get on his computer he says the samething "no downloading!" hehehe tell him you have a fan base that requires your love! anyway thanks so much for your lovely work!!!


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