Thursday, October 26, 2006


You guys are giving me tons of terrific ideas - thanks sooo much! I have left this candy bar so you can personalize it. Not everyone likes the same kinda chocolate, after all. Some people don't like it at all! (gasp!!) Yep, you heard me... Gina, dear sweet Gina does not care for chocolate. She is missing the chocolate receptor. I just can't imagine. Now, there is my friend Kristin CB and I, we go gaga for dark, our daughter Dezrae is a white lover, Sonya J is a true blue milk girl - Canadian is best according to her, and she has a standing order for Wunderbars to be brought home with her folks... Then, there is Kristin (wyo woman) who has been taunting me this entire last week with her tag on hello saying *I have chooooocolate* - well, now everyone does! ha ha!! This candy bar/chocolate bar (depending on what you personally call em) is dedicated to you Kristin! Send your friends all here for free chocolate!


As I was cooking lunch for my fair prince yesterday, killing a bit of time as I was in between projects, and his arrival was taking a tad longer than expected, I got to studying the 'details' around my stove. As my eyes roved up to the vent/fan thing I realized it had miraculously contracted a yellow film since... when? How many times I have stood there... and it certainly did not accumulate overnight! However, today I saw, really saw, so I had to deal w/ it. Oh, its not a pretty thing at all! I am sure its composed of every greasy thing we ever cook - and its gummy and grabs the dishcloth, and plain 'ol cleaner won't touch that stuff! Ewwww.... eventually with a good combo of straight baking soda on a cloth, a sink full of soapy, sudsy hot water, a retired toothbrush and good old elbow grease... it was banished. Funny that, elbow grease combats real grease...

I have a confession too. As I cleaned this ick, I got this prickle of resentment in my heart. It was out of the blue and so strong I could not believe it. I found myself resenting having to 'waste my time' cleaning this mess, when I could be creating something useful - like elements for you... just does not seem any value in doing the former? I got over it - I knew it had to be done, but it surprized me!

OHHHH ... tomorrow... Mr. has created a knock out little ele for you all!! Really, its bling to the eye!

Searching for Words?

Along the same theme as yesterday - you want to create your own neat little sentiments on your projects/cards/letters, but the words fairly escape you? You must visit the following site! You plug in a key word, and it comes up with concepts that go along with your word, or words. Enjoy!


  1. I just found out that goo gone works wonders on the stove and exhaust fan above stove!!!!

  2. I thought I sent a comment the right way but I don't see it here. Anyway I recently found out that Goo Gone works wonders for the stove and exhaust fans when they have that sticky ick on them!!!

  3. Oh I forgot to say thank-you for all of your freebies in my comment up above. They are very much appreciated! And also thank-you for your uplifting blog!!

  4. Thank You for the delicious candy bar!

  5. Will a virtual chocolate bar get rid of a real chocolate craving? Cause that is what is happening right now and not a bar of chocolate in the house.Bummers!!LOL
    Looks good enough to eat..thanks for sharing.:)

  6. Thank you very much for the candy bar. Too cute. :) Love your blog and God too.

  7. love the chocolate bar....

  8. I love chocolate, can´t never get enough of it Yum, Yum... Thank you for the sweets :)

  9. This is so yummy good! :) Thanks so much!

  10. Oh Barb - whenever I come to this site I am blown away! You have to be the most handy, helpful, perfect person I know - and mind you I don't even really know you do I?! LOL. Thanks for your Blog and everything in it. You absolutely inspire me. Take Care ;o)

  11. Oh Barb - whenever I come to this site I am blown away! You have to be the most handy, helpful, perfect person I know - and mind you I don't even really know you do I?! LOL. Thanks for your Blog and everything in it. You absolutely inspire me. Take Care ;o)

  12. :) thank you for the goody! :)


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