Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Here's your third movie element - you should be set now - unless I have missed something? Do you want a candy bar? Email me if you have any ideas - I plumb run out of ideas some days... I also need you to clear up something for me. Here in Canada, we call it pop - but my friend Sonya (and you HAVE to go read her BLOG today if you want a good laugh, she had me rolling on the floor!)
but Sonya tells me you all may call it soda? Please let me know what's correct and if its this important.

Speaking of a good laugh - I guess I gave the girls a good laugh thru my blog yesterday. Remember I said Sonya's boys were watching a 'signing' show on tv? Well, I see that I said it was for the benefit of BLIND people - well, of course that makes NO sense... signing is for the DEAF... blind people would not be able to SEE the signs. Sheesh. I hope no offence is taken, and you can find the Signing Time site HERE.

I am enjoying my quiet week at home, preparing for a celebration day this weekend for my husband's birthday. My preperations would be bloggable but I can't share yet as my dearest, fairest may drop in here and then all my plans would be revealed. I know it was a wise decision to take this time - in the past by the time the special day has arrived we are both exhausted and frayed. I look forward to sharing with you all next week.

I found the following inspirational piece on the internet and I would like to share it with you today:


A - Although things are not perfect

B - Because of trial or pain

C - Continue in thanksgiving

D - Do not begin to blame

E - Even when the times are hard

F - Fierce winds are bound to blow

G - God is forever able

H - Hold on to what you know

I - Imagine life without His love

J - Joy would cease to be

K - Keep thanking Him for all the things

L - Love imparts to thee

M - Move out of "Camp Complaining"

N - No weapon that is known

O - On earth can yield the power

P - Praise can do alone

Q - Quit looking at the future

R - Redeem the time at hand

S - Start every day with worship

T - To "thank" is a command

U - Until we see Him coming

V - Victorious in the sky

W - We'll run the race with gratitude

X - Xalting God most high

Y - Yes, there'll be good times and yes some will be bad, but

Z - Zion waits in glory where none are ever sad!


Become a Poet Before You Know It!

Ever wish you could write your own catchy little rhyme on a greeting card, but don't know how to find rhyming words? There is help out there, you know! I think this site will be especially for us scrapbookers - I'm talking about a site where you can plug in a word and they not only give you words that rhyme, but entire groups of words that rhyme too! Amazing.



  1. Thanks for the soda pop.:)I usually call it cola for some reason.I'm all set for the show now:) Thanks:)

    Can you make a movie reel? That would be cool to put on the page with some film strips:-) Just a thought:)

  2. I enjoy reading your blog... my husband refers to pop as soda and he calls chocolate bars "candy bars". It really bugs me! His dad and grandparents are from England, but his mom and the siblings are all true-blooded BC'ers.

  3. It depends on where you are from, when I was growing up in Oklahoma we called it pop but now it is usually soda where i live now. Some people call it soda-pop or some just call it a coke.

  4. Thank You for the soda pop, I call it soda as far as I'm concerned everyone has their own preference for it!

  5. When I was young we called it pop but now that I am an adult we call it soda. Go figure. Anyway, thanks for the theatre addition! cg

  6. Some people call it Soda Pop, if you are looking to be even more baffled :)

  7. Oh, and a projector or one of these things they snap when making movies and they say Lights Camera Action... oh what is that called, I dunno, maybe you do... those would be fun elements.

    My mom always bought us red licorice when we went to the movies.

  8. loved that alphabet --The Holy Alphabet..neat....thanks for the soda pop

  9. To really confuse you...Some people call it pop while others call it soda. Then there's the southerners who, apparently, call it all Coke. I have a gf from the south who is constantly correcting me on it! lol She told me that they call it all Coke then the waitress will ask you what flavor you want and you order what brand, etc. then.

    Other movie things since you asked about a candy bar. How about Dots or Raisinets? I always look forward to Raisinets at movies more than popcorn. Certainly NOT necessary, though...just offering suggestions since you asked.

    Best of luck with the planning for your sweetie's birthday this week-end!

  10. Thank you so much for the rhyme zone .. it is a lot of fun! XO Valerie

  11. And Oh! Forgot the Holy alphabet .. did send it to a friend! TY Valerie


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