Sunday, October 22, 2006


Me thinks I should start eating before I make elements here... I am starting to see a pattern of highly edible elements taking shape. Or should I say baking shape. Well, hey, everyone likes sweet things... but meybe my 'baking' will lead to unhealthy eating habits? Do you see one thing I've made that will make it onto the Canada healthy food pyramid? Oh well, the more I think of it - its better I scrap this than actually eat it - so I will keep making them for ... YOU!

Your comments are really touching me. Every day I recieve them, it cements my resolve to keep this space workin'. I am so very glad you find this a restful, peaceful and even *gasp* useful place to be. Trust me, its a God thing - most days I don't know just what to say! I have had several of you ask me for a TOU - which for those of you who don't scrap (really Scrappers, some folks DON'T... lol... ) at TOU is Terms Of Use. Well, I have not provided any because I have never sold an element or kit - ever. Again, its a God thing. There is that part in the bible about using your talents and gifts for ministry - well, this is what I've been gifted with. My TOU is simply enjoy, share my link but please send folks here to grab the elements. Please don't steal. I know there will be times my stuff is, because sadly, I see it happen to everyone at some point, but I pray that my stuff will be used for good. It does not belong to me anyways, it belongs to HIM. I have been blessed that we are a one income family and this allows me to stay home. Some of you don't have that luxury - and I wish every one of you did. My husband is fully supportive of this as my ministry and I am so grateful that he has been blessed with the knowledge (and endless patience) to help me with computer smarts. We don't have a LOT but we have more than our portion and I want to share.

The smallest deed is better than the greatest intention!

1 JOHN 3:18

Let us not love (merely) in theory or in speech
but in deed and truth (in practice and sincerity)

OF COURSE you want your help clean and quiet - lol!
we saw this sign on our trip to Penticton on Friday.

If you would like a little giggle - keep your eyes peeled to my friend Sonya's blog Four 'lil Feet over the next week. Sonya, the mom to two rambunctious and brilliant twin boys (the Bubs as they are so fondly known as) are in serious Potty Training over this next week. So far, its been, well, lets just say INTERESTING... he he... She could use your kind comments and encouragement and even good ideas through this trial!! You can access her blog HERE Keep checking as I KNOW she has updates on the way. (once she de-stresses a bit)

Great Christian Resource

I found the link while browsing my friend Jaime's blog recently and was delighted to find the printable resources in particular. I listen to KMBI (moody) radio all the time at home and so get to hear Revive Our Hearts often. I admire and respect Nancy Leigh DeMoss greatly. This is a wealth of information and inspiration here - promise to check out the printables today! (ps - a site like this contains tons of wonderful articles which would be terrific to email or forward to someone who you think could enjoy!)


  1. Okay, I thought I was the only one getting hungry off your cute, adorable, and great elements. :-) Thanks for them - as the previous two inspired me on a gingerbread LO for a friend. Thanks for clearing up the TOU question - I was wondering.


  2. Thanks for the donut!!
    AT least this way we can't gain any weight! LOL

    I left a comment about my expericence with my son's potty training time that you'll have to go there to get a good laugh out of it!

  3. Cute sign. I love it when Jay Leno does his funny (but real) ads when things are either worded funny or mis-spelled.

  4. The smallest deed is better than the greatest intention! Love that saying .. will keep it! The picture of Fall Osoyoos Lake is Fabulous. You are truly an awesome photographer! Love Ya! PS : Baby Juju is ONE today. YEAH! Valerie XO

  5. LOL, I had definitely noticed the edibles theme you've had going as of late! I'll have to take a swing by the kitchen after downloading these yummy donuts. I'm so impressionable...really glad that I'm not on a diet! ;cP Thanks so much sharing these sweetie!


    KKL =^..^=

  6. Me again...I just wanted to add that your TOU are the most generous I have come across as yet. I am blessed to be able to visit your blog regularly. You are truly a beautiful person and I know God is happy that his light shines through you!



  7. Mmmm! Now I want a donut!! :) Thank you!

  8. yummieeeeeeee..gee maybe if I visit I could get couple of the cookies

  9. Thank you so much for the goodies, the digital ones, the recipes, and the warm thoughts you send out with your obvious faith. I love to see what you've posted each time and am soothed by each visit to your blog-God bless you and your kind heart!

  10. Those do look pretty calories either huh? Camy Tang sent me a link to your blog...thought we should meet being fellow scrappers and all. Would love to chat with you! Your elements are fabulous.

  11. I enjoy the variety of goodies on your blog - from spiritual renewal to family stories to fun digiscrappin' freebies to interesting photos. Thanks so much!

  12. I took sme donuts here....mmmmmmh... Thank you very much for sharing your amazing talent!!


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