Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy New Years, Everyone!

I'm back and refreshed from the holidays. Not caught up, but back and refreshed.

Before I launch into my first post of the year I want to thank each of you who blessed me this Christmas - you know who you are. I am a bit overwhelmed and it will take me a bit to properly thank everyone.

I feel so blessed, and at the same time, I'm hyper-aware of those who 'don't have'... of the economy and how so many are losing their jobs and my heart is moved. I'm going to really work hard in 2009 to find ways to minister to the needs I see. I'm not into 'resolutions' as such, rather into filling the needs I am able to. Instead of a resolution, I'm working towards filling this scripture - making it come to reality in my life and the lives I'm in contact with:

His divine power has given us everything we need
for life and godliness
through our knowledge of Him
who called us by his own glory and godliness.

Through these He has given us
His very great and precious promises,
so that through them you may participate
in the divine nature
and escape the corruption in the world
caused by evil desires.

For this very reason,
make every effort to add to your faith goodness;
and to goodness, knowledge;
and to knowledge, self-control;
and to self-control, perseverance;
and to perseverance, godliness;
and to godliness, brotherly kindness;
and to brotherly kindness, love.

For if you possess these qualities
in increasing measure,
they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive
in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

But if anyone does not have them,
he is nearsighted and blind,
and has forgotten
that he has been cleansed from his past sins.

Therefore, my brothers,
be all the more eager to make your calling and election sure.
For if you do these things
you will never fail,
and you will receive a rich welcome
into the eternal kingdom of
our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

2 Peter 1:3-11

In other words - in clear language that applies to my own life, my desire is to simply LOVE - love my friends, my neighbors, the world. To open my eyes, to open my heart, to get my hands dirty, to waste less time on judging people and their actions and to spend more time helping.

I long to become more 'real', to be prayerfully bold and open when I need to, and to 'shut up' in other instances. That is a real hard one for me, when to speak out and when to hold back. Both things can really be a problem at times.

One thing I must say, I learned so much about love from my unsaved friends, who selflessly gave to me - teaching me some very Christian values. So many of you have impressed me and moved my heart!

So, on to the New Year.

A quick recap to the holidays - We went to the coast to be with our family. We left on a bitterly cold day, cold even for here (could have EASILY froze you a huge iceberg, Kim *wink*) We made it to a Princeton, thats a 1.5 hour drive from here - and at that point we considered turning back. It was SO cold and our van's inside heater was not putting out any heat. We had to keep what little heat there was on the engine so the gas lines would not freeze. Our toes and fingers were frozen and Jack Frost was painting up the INSIDE of our van windows. I heated some warmers in the microwave of a service station and Mr. Miles fired up our portable propane camp heater, enough we could stare moving around again.

We eventually did make it to the coast, and a good thing too, for it was the only day we would have been able to drive in the conditions.

The rest of the time there we were pretty much snowed in. With Mom and her fantastic and generous cooking and our sister in law and daughters, and our daugther Dez (who braved the drive all the way from Calgary in the bad conditions *spank* then hugs) It was a wonderful time of family. We came home the day before yesterday, after having to spend one extra day because our van Sabastian acted up on the freeway, but got him looked after with an oil change and checkup.

Good to go, good to be home. Its snowing here and looks like we're staying put here too.

I'm going to keep this brief but will return in the next few days. In honour of the new year I've created this New Growth Alpha for you - it symbolizes the new growth I'll be striving for this year. I hope you enjoy - and be looking for some coordinating add-ons in the coming days.

Personal Use
(I've used this alpha in my new blog header!)



  1. Happy New Year!

    So glad you are home safe and well.

    Great resolution to have for this year - I pray you will be blessed through blessing others.

    Still at the cottage - lots of ice, but no snow.

    Love the header, I need to get mine changed too.

  2. What a lovely blog today! Boy can I relate to the cold drive thing. Several years ago, my son and I were driving to Allentown, PA to see my sister for Christmas. I had a VW Bug. It had a good heater, but the vents on top of the trunk (front of car) were blowing frigid air in on my feet. I had to stop periodically to lt me feet warm up. That was before the days of really good snow boots, or maybe I was just too poor at the tme to know they existed, or even afford them. On one of my stops, a police officer stopped to see if he could assist me. I had to explain that I was fine. After I made it to my sister's house, we had the brilliant idea of covering the top vent with Duct tape. It worked like a charm... and the road home was nice and toasty. LOL. Duct tape - what would we do without it.

    I love the new look of your blog. And I LOVE the alpha. You are so talented. I am fortunate to have crossed pathes with you this year. Just one of those things to feel grateful for as we leave this past year, and roll into the new. I am with you, as far as resolutions go. I just try to make each day a little better than the last. I try to fill needs whenever I can.

    It is dumping snow here. Truthfully, I have not left the yard since Sunday, and am loving it! Today is the set up the new computer day. We are going to cook a prime rib, and call it good. Hmmm maybe a loaf of bread is in order.

    Have a wondrous Day Barb, you are such an amazing human being!


  3. Well SIL...I love the new growth alpha ...going to try and use them in my new header for my blog . I agree with you about learning to love one another without all the judging ...and listening with an open ear and open heart. And also to remember the Lord is the only way to grow and heal all things in His Time ....well love the new look ..and can't wait to get together ..all our love and prayers to you and Miles .

  4. I MISSED YA SISTAH! Can't wait to chit chat w/ you. :)

  5. Barb, I've stopped in to wish you and Miles a VERY Happy New Year sweetie! May 2009 be a year FULL to the BRIM with LOTS of LOVE, PEACE, JOY, GOOD HEALTH, HAPPINESS and PROSPERITY!

    I have the flu for the first time in 20 years or so and am feeling WOOZY at the moment, so please forgive my haste as I post and run!

    I shall catch up with you just as soon as I'm feeling better.

    Love and hugs,
    Linda *hearts*

  6. I'm so glad you're back! And I'm glad you had a great Christmas!

    I love your scripture for 2009. May we all strive to love more in the coming year.

    Oh and I love the new header...very pretty!

    Take care my friend!
    And Happy New Year!

  7. So glad you are back! I missed you!
    Sounds like you had a good time with your family, which is always good. I´m not jealous of the cold weather you´re having, even though it looks beautiful in pictures.
    Hope you brought in the New Year well and am looking forward to your posting this year!!
    Love ya!

  8. Happy New Year!!! WELCOME BACK!!:) MISSED YOU!!!
    Love the new look and the alpha is really cool!!:)Thank you soo much! must have been soo cold in that van.:( I am sooo glad you made it to your family's before you got frostbite.:)
    Love your post.Soo true.It would be wonderful to see us all helping each other instead of judging.:)Just think how that would change the world..and us too!:)


  9. Love the new header, thank you so much for the freebie :). I think the little squirrel is the cutest with the snow on his nose. It is so good to have you home.

  10. Love the new header...and the alpha!! Thanks for sharing and have a Happy New Year!! :)

  11. You certainly had an adventure traveling to the coast. I'm so glad you made it safe and sound.

    I love your new header. I must work on a new on for my blog. And I like your message about love and help in the world for 2009.

    Thank you so much for the Alpha. It's beautiful (as are all your lovely creations).

    Happy New Year to you and Mr. Miles.


  12. Good morning Sweety!!!!!!!!!
    TY so very much for this COOL alpha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Thank you for the beautiful alpha! Happy New Year!

  14. Welcome back!!! you were definitely missed! i LOVE your post today but when don't i? hehe the squirrel is adorable, the verses are inspirational, sorry you were soo cold but sure glad you made it & had some fun! Glad you got home safe though!! thank you for the AWESOME alpha!! it looks GREAT in your header!! Thank you,too, for your visit to my blog!! i LOVE when you do! Hope you have a WONDERFUL New Year!! Hugs! :D

  15. Thank you very much for this way COOL alpha!

  16. Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Alpha(s) post on Jan. 02, 2009. Please, notice that I've changed my url. Thanks again and Happy New Year.

  17. Thanks so much for this beautiful alpha! Wow, thanks!

    Here’s to more happy scrapping, and
    Hugs from the heart,

    Come scrap your blog with me…
    Easy Custom Blogs


  18. i think the archive you wirte is very good, but i think it will be better if you can say more..hehe,love your blog,,,

  19. BRRRRRRRRRRRR- oh can I say BRRRRRRRRRRRRR again- lol, UHUM- no Thanks my dear friend.
    My friend Lynne arrived from Canada a few day's ago and she has been telling me story's about your *COLD*- HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, give me my wind and sunshine and I won't EVER complain again ;-)

    HAPPY NEW YEAR to you and Mr Miles, and glad to see you back. Can't wait to get back into the full swing of things myself (Monday)- WOOHOO,lol

    Loves ya tons

  20. Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful Alpha!!!!! It's such a great idea!!!! Have a happy new year!!

  21. Good morning Barb:)
    It's been a while back that you asked to see my cookie jar collection and I finally got pics on my blog of them.Stop by... if you want.. and see.:)

  22. Whhat a cute alpha! I like the way your header looks with it! My DIL just sent me some pics of the grandkids and this will be just perfect for scrapping them! Many thanks for sharing!

  23. Whhat a cute alpha! I like the way your header looks with it! My DIL just sent me some pics of the grandkids and this will be just perfect for scrapping them! Many thanks for sharing!


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