Friday, December 19, 2008

OK - playing with a pen and tablet I'm sure gives me a BIG advantage... and there are these angel things that flit out. So bet you can tell I never usually play computer games. This could be addictive. So c'mon, beat me already!
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  1. Not possible!! Can I scream "Uncle" to surrender?!

  2. Not even starting!

    I currently have 10 eleven year olds in the other room at my daughter's birthday party.

  3. Oh wow! That is harder than it looks. You did much better than I did. I won't even talk about my score ;o)

  4. Oh wow! That is harder than it looks. You did much better than I did. I won't even talk about my score ;o)

  5. lol Thank you for sharing the FUN!! :D Happy Holidays!

  6. What a sweet little game...thanks!

  7. just stopped by to update you on our game! lol i thought i was doing good when i hit 4,000 plus and it flashed the word 'excellent' for me until DH came along and tried it and hit over 14,000 LOL He had a few days home because we were hit with a snowstorm of all things! lol He's back to work today, even though it's his birthday! Thank you again for sharing this FUN! Happiest Holidays to you & yours, Barb!!! HUGS! :D

  8. Good Morning,

    I just sent you an email cuz with my limited abilities to manipulate the ether net I couldn't get to your comments :c) But lo and behold here it is :c)

    Thank you so much for your visit!! Stop by again when you have time, I'll put the kettle on :c)

    Have a wonderful Christmas!! Hope to see you soon

    Pattie :c)
    Mazatlan Mexico

    I hope you have a fantastic Christmas! Full of Love,Joy,Happiness..and Family..and some of that delicious home made bread!!:)
    I don't have time to play your game.:( Gotta rush..but wanted you to know I haven't forgotten you one little bit!:)Glad you are resting and enjoying yourself.!!Must be nice..hehe!!:)

    Great big bear hugs all around!


  10. Merriest Christmas to you & yours, Barb!! Thank you for sharing ALL that you have this whole year!!! Have a safe & Happy New Year too! :D HUGS!!

  11. MERRRY CHRISTMAS to the Derksen's!!!

    Barb, I just had to stop by and leave Christmas wishes although I know you said you would be scarce! But LOOKY what I see! SOMEBODY has found a new toy to share with ALL of SCRAPLAND! He, he ...

    I will have to come back later on in the year as I am still working on getting my new toy setup for designing and wish to let you know that I still have not downloaded my SPECIAL gift from a VERY special friend as I did not wish to do so on the old computer and I'm not quite ready to get it onto the new one. Please forgive my lagging - I've been back and forth from making preparations for Christmas and sorting out which files I need to transfer over and NOT!

    I hope that you and Miles have had a MOST memorable day today with family and friends sweetie!

    We have been awaiting the arrival of ONE working son and should be sitting down to Christmas dinner together by late evening!

    Take care and I hope to chat with you soon!

    Love and hugs,
    Linda :)

  12. Good morning Barb!!!!!!!!!!
    Hope you all had a WONDERFUL Christmas!!!!!!!!!
    Just poppin in to let you know I have a LO on my blog of the brooms that I decorated for Christmas gifts!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Good Morning Barb:)
    Hope you had a wonderful Christmas!!
    I just had to pop back in to say hi and see if you had posted again.:)
    I did get to play your game..finally.. and I am really lousy at it.LOL Good thing rabbits multiply so quickly.hehe

    Have a wonderful weekend!:)


  14. ME again...miss you!!:)


  15. Ok - so that was fun! My top score - 2580. My AVERAGE SCORE - 100. I happen to be fairly good at some video games - not so much on this one! I will have torevisit it another day. Hope you had a fabulous Christmas!



  16. Just popping back in to tell you... I am getting closer - I am currently at 17880. I quit for the day... but soon, very soon... I will be the champ of the crazy bells! LOL!!!

  17. Happy New Year Barb and Miles!!:)
    Hope you have a wonderful evening and a FANTASTIC new year!:)


    P.s. I am NOT stalking you!!LOL

  18. Good morning Barb!!!!!!!!!!!
    Just little old me poppin in to WISH YOU & YOUR FAMILY A SAFE, HEALTHY, HAPPY & PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. It's 2 in the morning and DH and friends have gone to pick up our girls from a party,, so I'm stopping by aa few blogs to wish my friends a Happy New Year...
    best of luck in 09 :)

  20. cool blog


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