Tuesday, December 02, 2008

I'm speechless!

I open my mailbox to find yet another parcel awaits me. I've been totally spoiled over the past few months with parcels from my blog friends - first it was JanMary in Ireland, then Cicero from BC and now from my blog friend Betty - all the way from Paraguay!

Betty has been so patient to answer my ever pesky questions about her corner of the world and it was particularly touching to me that she included some home-made jam. She'd tried to explain what the flavor was like on her blog, but now I get to try it myself. I'm AMAZED it made it all the way here, unharmed! Why, I've sent items here within our own province which has not survived so nicely.

LOVE the little hat, Betty, it lives on my keychain now. Did you make the angel? Is there a story behind it? I will treasure it, thank you.

I'm sure your hand made jam gives me a much better taste of the fruit than anything I could buy here. Who knows, one day its not inconcievable that I might taste it right from the trees! Turns out we have a friend in common who is not so far away from you!

My friend Amalia was very excited when I showed her these photos, she says the chocolate is VERY good, and I can now attest to this!

As I said Betty - I honestly can't find the words to thank you for your generosity. I'm so blown away by how thoughtful and kind my blog friends are. (Miles is so incredulous too, by all your generosity, my friends!)

Betty has a blog HERE where you can find tons of interesting facts about Paraguay, her family, great recipes and some funnies too. Its a must-favorite blogsite.


I'd like to thank Amy for sharing her blog header with us - she used my Worship the King Mini Kit. I think this is so wonderful - your girls are too cute! Why not stop into say hello to Amy today and you might just learn some new 'baby language' while you're HERE.

If you've used any of my elements or kits and would like me to feature you on my blog, just send me a jpg along with the credits and I'll do my best to post them here.


  1. OOOOOOOH Barb, what a VERY special package indeed darlin'! WOW! You are getting spoiled for sure, however, I just happen to KNOW that the SWEETNESS and GENEROSITY you share with SCRAPLAND and the BLOG WORLD is coming right back atcha!

    I'm on my way to beddy-bye and just had to stop on my way to let you know how LOVELY it is to find your LOVELY comments on my blog *big smile* and I wish you a MOST beautiful day today!

    HAPPY, HAPPY my friend!

    Linda :)

    P.S. Oh my goodness, those soccer and football ornaments are TOOOOOOO cute! VERY clever and should be VERY popular!

  2. I have to agree with Linda W. Your friendship and sweetness is the reason we all like you so much and want to give something in return!

    I´m so glad you like the stuff and hope you enjoy the jam on your home made bread!

  3. Another great parcel :)

    I hope you will be extra nice to your postman after he has delivered such wonderful goodies.

  4. Hi, lucky to get all of those gifts from Paraguay, I was born there but live in Toronto now, had been reding Betty's blog and I hope I will meet her when I get home for Xmas in 3 more weeks, IF you want to send something to Betty with me I will be glad to take it for you, I love your blog thank you for sharing with us. take care.

  5. awesome Barb ..now you make sure you don't jut down and eat all those goodies at one time ...(joking)neat little cowboy hat ...love what Amy did with you kit..neat idea for a header..thanks for sharing sis ..love and miss you ..chat really soon

  6. What a great package! You are blessed my friend! But you deserve it! I hope you enjoy all the goodies!

  7. How very cool!!!!!! what a GREAT gift!! i visited Betty's blog and LOVE it! Thank you for sharing such WONDERFUL joys!! And thank you too, for your visits that make me smile soo much! :D Thanks for the show & tell invite and i think i would LOVE to do that since i do show and tell my swapmeet finds anyways lol big HUGS and thanks again for ALLLLLLLL that you are! :D

  8. O'my! Mrs. Miles that blog header is darling!!

    Because I enjoy your blog so much and can tell how much care you have in your heart... come to my blog to receive an award!

  9. speaking of parcels.
    Im sitting here making out my Christmas Cards, and Mr and Mrs Miles has no address! LOL...

    Email me your mailing address PWEASE!


  10. Look at all your fabulous treasures :) enjoy :)You deserve every wonderful parcel you get.

  11. OOOOh Barb, there's nothing nicer than homemade jam.. You'll have to get baking those tasty scones to go with it. Be sure to invite me to tea lol!

  12. Hey there my friend,

    I have a blog give-away going on. People could win some of my sponges. I would love to chat w/ you soon. I have something I'd like you to pray for.~G


  13. Good Evening Barb:)
    I finally got the time to leave a comment..a fast one.LOL
    I have a Doctor's appt in the morning.Nothing but routine blood work etc.but have to get up early.
    Oh how fun..another parcel!! Chocolates..and jam..mmmmm..SWEET!!:)Love the keychain too.How cute!
    You are such a giving person..and you are being blessed for it!!:)

    Here's a song for you..the video is not so great but the song is what I want you to hear.:)


    Love and hugs,

  14. OOOH GOODY GOODNESS! lol, How AWESOME is that! Girl,your deserve it- but I can just picture your excitement! Nothing better than getting a parcel from the post man and it's not something your ordered! lol WOOOOPIE!

    Got all mine done today too-YAY!
    Now to get the cards finished- lol

    On my way to bed- thought I would stop by and say nighty night with my coffee ( and NOPE it doesn't keep me awake-lol)
    Have a good day my dear friend


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