Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Happy Birthday - Melissa!

KimB CATW Kit - papers, elements
Barb Derksen - festive sequins

Isn't Kim's kit perfect for this layout of my niece Melissa's birthday layout? I know, I'm sort of stuck on the 'cut people out and stick them in a frame theme' right now, but they do say practice makes perfect.

Melissa, we hope you have a LOVELY birthday - I'm sure your family has a lineup of fun great activities coming up, and ohhhh your gift, I'm sure its amazing. Melissa belongs to my SIL Judy, so you may want to pop on over HERE to leave Melissa a birthday wish and see Judy's layout too in honor of this special day!

I'd love it if you have a moment out of your busy day to check out the gorgeous card my sister has created - I love the writing technique, its giving me ideas. Just click HERE to see what I mean.

It is also my niece Rachel's birthday tomorrow, but I don't have a recent photo ... but I'm making a little free giveaway to say Happy Birthday to these two lovely young ladies!

And speaking of birthdays has reminded me that our countdown to Christmas is really a countdown to the day we honour the birth of Christ - the REAL reason we should be focussed on. So, I'm leaving you with this poem I found.

Somewhere amidst confusion in
the frantic Christmas race--
the deadline shopping, start and stopping
at a frenzied pace.

The name of Christ has been removed,
left off the Christmas scene.
Without the name of Christ, what then
does Christmas really mean?

No longer do the schools release
for Christmas holiday;
it's incorrect politically,
but Winter Break's O.K.

Now scenes of the Nativity
are banned from public streets.
Too much religiosity's
considered indiscreet.

Does Christmas portend Santa Claus,
whose sleigh and reindeers fly,
as Rudolph with a shiny nose
guides them through starlit sky?

For presents stacked high by the tree
the children eagerly reach.
What message does this scene present?
What lesson does it teach?

Is Christmas spirit portrayed here?
What it is meant to be?
Is it to wonder of those gifts
How many are for me?

There's nothing wrong with Santa Claus,
let's keep him on the scene,
but let's replace Santa Claus, with the name of Christ
to teach what Christmas means.

Another lovely place to visit to get into the Christmas spirit is over at my friend JanMary's place. JanMary lives in Ireland, and she's been blogging DAILY since Dec. 1st - all the traditions etc. Very interesting reading and wonderful photography... and its her daughter's birthday too! Just click HERE to be transported.

And here's my giveaway for you today - its fine for all uses, though you must credit me in your TOU upon use. Please do not share this file with your friends, I'd ask you send them here to download it for themselves.

I'd love to see how you use my products. Just send me a jpg and description and I'll post it here too!

fine for Personal, Commercial and S4H
(must credit me in TOU)



  1. Beautiful Layout Sis, I know Melissa is going to love it.
    Thank you for the splatters.

  2. Thanks for the mention again - so sweet of you. My latest post is just up!

    Love that poem, and wow, you have even more December family birthdays than I do!!!

  3. What a fitting poem! Unfortunately too true...
    Great design, again! I wisher her H.B. too.
    Hope you´re having a good week!

  4. Stop by my blog when you have time. I have something there for you. (smile)

    I love the festive splatters. It's so unique.

  5. I love the poem. Too cute! The layouts are beautiful too!

    Take care my friend!

  6. Good Morning Barb:)
    I LOVE your layout of Melissa.How cool!!:)Great job on the extraction.!!

    Happy Birthday Melissa!

    Today is my sister's bday too.Dec.10.She shares it with your Niece Rachel.:)

    Happy Birthday Rachel!!

    I agree whole heartedly with your poem.Let's put Christ back in Christmas ..where he belongs!!!

    Thank you so much for the wonderful festive splatters!!:)

    It's bad weather here so I am gonna try to get to your sister's blogs before the electricity goes off.:)


  7. I love, love, love splatters, I'm sure I'll be putting these to almost immediate use! Thanks a bunch!

  8. ooo...
    love the splatters!

    Swung by Nina's place and left a little birthday love too!

    Hope your having a great DAY!!!

  9. oh I love the layout for melissa ..thank you so much Aunty she says ...I am sorry I missed you yesterday ..but my connection was down ...love the festive splatters

  10. Thanks for the fun gift. Ironic, my brother and sister have the same birthdays as your nieces. They are 1 yr and 364 days apart, with lil old me right in the middle.

    Hope the holiday hustle and bustle is a fun event for you. I know how you love to find special treasures.

    Have a wonderful day,


  11. OOOH the spatters are stunning! MWAH!- rushing in to do a quick check up on you- LOL
    Gosh your table looks beautiful! My sis was here today too- to try and plan Christmas lunch- but please imagine cooking all the traditionals in sweltering heat! lol- melt and smelt at the stove and oven ;-)
    Love your little blinkie GF_ just noticed it now- yeah yeah I know blind as a old bat- BWAHAHAH
    Ok- I've got Waynes work card to finish too-
    MWAH and MWAH

  12. Thankyou for your festive splatters Barb.... they are sweet.
    and your right Melissa's pic is perfect for Kim's catw kit, her shiny black hair just sets off the blue :)


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