Sunday, December 14, 2008

Its so easy to get caught up in all the hustle and bustle this time of the year. Emotions run high and we're all in a rush to get it all done, yet for all our frenzy, it will somehow come together in the end. We're so busy running to and fro that we think we lose connection with God, for we've not managed to set time aside to seek Him. What we sometimes forget is that He is ALWAYS with us. He's not just there when we make some quiet time - He's here ALWAYS.

If you don't have time to get away from all the distractions, yet you need to know that He is with you, lift your prayers wherever you are. His love is ALWAYS with you. Every moment, every second of the day. He's waiting to share your every joy and sorrow. He can meet you the second you invite him to.

Be happy today - have cheer, knowing that God is with you.

The following song by Michael W. Smith is not your traditional Christmas song, but I hope it will speak to you the way it has me. I feel so joyous and hopeful through the words. 'specially the part about being in the crowd... for I feel 'crowded' this time of the year and long to know that God has time just for ME (and you) anytime we need it. I also am comforted to think of God's amazing love this way - that I can't 'escape' it - I might lose track, wander at times, neglect it or try running the other way to rebel ... but He's here.

Michael W. Smith - Stand album

It's like starin at the sky above
When I look in your eyes
Now where in the world did you come from?
You're so beautiful
And I know

I can't escape your love
Escape your love
Escape your love
I can't escape your love
Escape your love
Escape your love

Everytime I turn around you're there
I get a feelin' that won't go away
Nothing else in this whole world compares
You're surrounding me
And I know

That I can't escape your love
Escape your love
Escape your love
I can't escape your love
Escape your love
Escape your love

And in the righteous crowd
Your face is all I see
I hope you know by now
That I just can't escape
I can't escape your love
Escape your love
Escape your love
I can't escape your love
Escape your love
Escape your love
Oh yeah
Yeah yeah yeah

The Lord is near to all who call upon Him,
to all who call upon Him in truth.

Psalm 145:18 NAS

My sister Nina needed to make a tag for a gift for a music teacher and so I whipped up this graphic for you, too, in case you have someone musical you'd like to bless! I'm going to make this one so you need only to click on it to download in PNG format. Please credit me if you use it by linking back to my blog. I'd love to see how you use this - why not send me a jpg of your project and I'll publish it here on my blog?

You can check out Nina's blog (lets pester her till we see how she uses the tag, right? by clicking HERE. She's been doing almost a card a day - whew!

You may also enjoy a visit to JanMary's blog - from Ireland. JanMary is into day 13 of blogging the 25 days of Christmas. Just click HERE to be transported.

click on graphic - then right click and 'save as' and choose PNG
PERSONAL use only


  1. yes Barb you are so right ...we all forget what this season means...our Lord and Savior was born to save us all ...and how we forget to show or share that at this time of the year...we are more filled with how to please others and not say a word about the reason for this season. Yes Nina has been doing an awesome job ..her cards are so beautiful.
    Well SIL chat to you later


  2. Thanks for sharing your wonderful words and beautiful song with us! And thank you for the great freebie! May you have lots of love and family around you this Christmas!

  3. You speak what I have been feeling lately, yet you have done it more eloquently than I. One of the things hubby and I are doing this year is to give donations in other's names. We are by no means "wealthy" but we are not hurting either. As our siblings are older, and have most of what they want or need - we are making the donations in their names to their favortie charities (ie food banks, animal sanctuaries, museums) I think we are covering the gamut. We are also giving to the local food bank in our own name. Each year we also sponsor a shopping trip for a child in need.

    We keep it simple for our grand children - although I put a great deal of thought into what they would like. I am pleased that I have that part of things finished. It would appear that I won't be going anywhere for a few days, which somewhat forces me to settle in and become more at peace, and more relaxed. No hustle and bustle allowed for me... LOL.

    Thank you for the lovely, festive musical note, I love it.

    God Bless your lovely spirit,


  4. Beautiful reminder to keep what is important about this Season in focus.

    My Home Tour post is up.

  5. What a wonderful reminder that God is always with us. It is a temptation to think that you have to find a "quiet time" to be with God. I fall into that trap. Thank you for this post. I love Michael W. Smith. I had never heard this song. Thank you for sharing it.
    You should link this post to the Spiritual Sundays blog. We would love to have you join us there. It is hosted by Ginger of Enchanting Cottage and me. Here is the link if you're interested.

  6. Great post. Yes, we are all busy no doubt about it. Running here and there we forget that wherever we are or wherever we go God is there--always!M.W. Smith is coming to Phoenix to do a concert at Christ Church of The Valley. By posting on Spiritual Sundays you made it possible for a lot of people to be blessed by your good post. Many read the posts that do not leave comments.

  7. Thank you for your wonderful thoughts, we all get so busy this time of the year. I enjoy MWS very much, music doesn't have to be Christmas this time of the year and what a wonderful surprise to see you little graphic gift :).

    Christmas Blessings,
    Kathi :)

  8. Thank you for sharing your heart my friend! Thank you for the reminder that we can never escape His love. It is so easy to forget in the rush of everyday life. And thank you for sharing this song. I had never heard it before. What great truth!

    Take care my friend!
    I pray you have a great week!

  9. God always with me, even when I let the distractions of life keep me from Him. I can always at any time lift a prae=yer. thanks so much for this reminder. Be blessed

  10. Hi
    I saw your comment on Janmary and thought I'd stop by and meet you. Thanks for the wonderful words and Michael Smith's song. This time of year is so rushed and I think we all need to be reminded of what is true.
    Hugs, Rhondi

  11. Good morning Barb!!!!!!!
    TY so very much for this CUTE goody!!!!!!!!!!
    I got more LO's on my blog since your last visit!!!!!! LOL

  12. Thank you so much for the gentle reminder that He is always with us! LOVE the musical note and thank you for sharing!! :D Happy Holidays to you!! :D

  13. Love the words they are so beautiful.

  14. Hi Barb,

    Thanks for visiting my show and tell. Lovely sign - I agree, your husband is talented!!

    Yes, I just heard about the GPS tracking capability for nativity scenes and stuff for church. Pretty wild!

  15. There is nothing I enjoy more than having my alone time with God. The words are so pretty to the song.
    God Bless,


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