Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Its snowing like the inside of a snow-globe here this morning - and it feels quite merry!

I’m not sure if this is my last blog post for the season... or not. It will entirely depend on if I get my list ‘knocked off’ Things are moving a TAD slower than anticipated here - how ‘bout you? Lets be real here today, there are always those last minute gifts you RECIEVE and then need to reciprocate – fast. All I can say on this end is “Thank goodness for Tim Hortons” (Famous Canadian Doughnut place)

I am going to take a good amount of time away from my computer, so don’t worry if you don’t see me for a bit – I plan to monopolize Mr. Miles’ vacation time. I’ve worked hard to finish up my projects and lessons and I want to see 2008 out being well rested – and start 2009 out that way too. We DO have a choice.

I’m sure I’ve missed responding to some of you – I’m sure there are things that won’t get done, and I apologise if I’ve left you hanging . Forgive me as I’m a bit overwhelmed at the moment with life and all the season brings.

I’d like to take a moment to say a huge THANK YOU to each and every one of you who have visited me this past year – my blog would still get written even if nobody came by, but it would not be the same. I can’t tell you how many times your comments, feedback and encouragement have lifted my spirits. Many of you have become dear friends – the internet is amazing!

The biggest blessing of all has been to be able to have my Sister In Law Judy blog and learn to digiscrap - she's grown in her talent in every way - and to have been able to create a blog for my sister Nina and be able to see all her beautiful and tasteful card designs. I love that we share this bond! Their links are always in my sidebar - definately worth visiting (plus it makes me warm all over when you visit them too!)

We Celebrate Your Birth

Dear Lord, as we celebrate Your birth,
let us remember that You are the true reason for Christmas.
Let every sparkling light remind us how You illuminate our lives,
a shining beacon to guide us in our thoughts and actions each day,
and how You light us from within
in the knowledge of Your love and truth.

Let the Christmas trees, standing straight, tall, unbowed,
remind us of Your uprightness, Your goodness, Your perfection,
and Your refusal to bow to worldly temptations,
no matter how great the challenge or trouble.
Lord, as we feast on Christmas treats,
let us remember that You are the sole provider
of everything worth having, that all good things come from You.

And as we enjoy our gifts, let us never forget
that You are the greatest gift of all--our wonderful Savior,
Counselor, Giver of an eternal life whose wonders we cannot imagine.
So as we delight in Christmas, the happiest and brightest of holidays,
let us remember there would be no Christmas without You, Lord,
and let us our hearts be filled with joy, and love
and thankfulness, this Christmas and all the ones to come.

In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.

By Joanna Fuchs

I was out the past few days snapping photos - I always love watching as the edge of the lake freezes up, there is always some sweet beauty to be captured! I'll share some of my latest photos with you.

I hope you have enjoyed a little peek at what its like here right now.

I have been busy creating a few layouts. The first is of our daughter Melanie - she sent me some photos so I decided to scrap them while they were hot. I'm going to be sure to capture some photos of our other daughter over the holidays too - so be expecting a layout of her too!

Melanie at a Christmas Party Layout
(click to see a bit larger)

Papers and Elements by Cuddlebee's Christmas Blessings Kit
Confetti Element (recolored) by KimB from her Time Anew Kit

Don't you just love this? I'd done the whole thing with Cuddlebee's kit, but then there was just SOMETHING missing, so I peeked in KimB's AMAZING Time Anew Kit - and discovered this beautiful confetti - the perfect touch to finish it off. You MUST have Kim's new kit for New Years. Just click HERE to find out more about that!

Christmas Greetings Layout 2008 of Mr and Mrs Miles
(click to see a bit larger)

Elements - KimB's Chrismtas Around the World Kit
Elements - KimB's Timeanew Kit
Paper and Elements - Barb Derksen's Crazy Ol Christmas Kit
Elements - Barb Derksen - Glitter Berries

Seeing as how Mr. Miles actually provided a photo of myself... LOL - I decided to make a page from us too!

Last note - my friend JanMary is on day 16 of her 25 days of blogging to Christmas - a great place to visit! Just click HERE.

And with no further ado, I'm relaunching my Crazy Ol Christmas kit - for YOU! I've added in a few extra sprigs of pine as they were missing from the original one.

Personal Use Only

And since its a crazy ol time, and you might be wishing for a giggle - here's a neat YouTube video Mr. Miles showed me about Hambone - a form of body-slapping music.


  1. I was readingy our blog... and poof the power went out. I had to come back once it came back to finish. I do hope you have the most amazing Christmas. We are going to have 2 plans - one to travel to see Grandbabies - one to spend the day at home- I guess it is in the Lord's hands. Mother nature is really having a good time here. Cold and snow. I am happy either way. This cold is what we need to kill the pine beetels that have been destroying out forests.

    You will be missed while you are away... especially on Fridays. Enjoy your rest!



    PS - your winter photos are so beautiful. Thanks for sharing them with us.

  2. Hi Barb,

    Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year!!!!

    Quiet holiday this year. Feast will be here and hubby is off for 3 weeks so we are going to snuggle in for some quality family time....sounds heavenly!

    See you in the New Year!

    All my love,

  3. Still no snow here - much to my joy and kids disappointment (I hate driving in it)/

    Amazing photos. Isn't God's creation spectacular.

    My next post is up.

    Thanks for your encouragement, you are the best :)

    Hugs for Christmas.

  4. Been wondering where you scooted off too. I hope you get caught up and rested up and come back full and refreshed.

    Missing you on this side, but I suppose I can wait. *wink*

    A simple friend opens a conversation with a full news bulletin on his life.real friend says, What's new with you?

    - Unknown

  5. Oh SWEET Barb! I just LOVE reading your blog posts and gleaning from your MOST incredible photographs!!! WOW! These are AMAZING! BRRRRR ... I'm feeling every bit of the cold here as well!

    I wish to let you know, in the event you did not see my message posted to you on my last blog post, that I've not yet been able to download my gift from you and that I will be over to thank you just as soon as I do (I'm thanking you NOW as well! You are TOO sweet).

    You know, it's funny as I've been wondering about your daughters as I don't recall seeing photos of them, but perhaps I came about LONG after you posted any so this is such a PLEASANT surprise for me to see Melanie!!! She is every bit as BEAUTIFUL as her mother and I hope that your daughters are having the opportunity to spend some time with you and Miles over the Christmas holidays!!! I won't be seeing mine at all this Christmas, however, I will have all of the boys about at one time or another!

    I am VERY excited to have the opportunity to babysit darling Kaleb tomorrow while his mommy and daddy do a bit of shopping!

    LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your Christmas greeting!!! You are SOOOOOOO creative darlin'!!! Thank you for Crazy 'Ol Christmas - I shall have to make my way back over to download it when I'm fully prepared. Your ornaments are SO incredibly unique and TOTALLY rock girlfriend!

    Sending much love and a BIG 'ol warm BEAR hug and wishes for you and Miles to have a MOST wonderful time during his vacation and that you come back next year refreshed and ready to rock 'n roll!!!

    Thank you for being such a dear and encouraging friend this past year and I look forward to a NEW year with you as well!!!



    Linda :)

  6. I totally understand taking a break. I am thinking about doing it too. I am so behind on commenting on my blog friends and really need a rest too. So don´t worry about it, we will be here waiting for you!
    I love the pictures. They look cold... but beautiful!
    If I don´t see you again, Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year!!

  7. Good Evening Barb:)
    I am soo glad you have chosen to take some time off..cause now I won't feel guilty for doing it myself.LOL I have been wanting to do it for a long time now and with things so is a great time to take advantage of it.:)I have been trying to get my BB gift albums done for Christmas gifts.I have found out that I can't do so many things at once any more.:)
    I love your layouts!Soo pretty!Your Christmas Greeting Layout is soo cool too! Love your kit and thank you soo much for sharing it with me.
    I am really gonna miss you while you are gone..but I hope you get a well deserved rest and come back refreshed!!
    Wishing you and your family the Best and Merriest Christmas ever!


  8. I love the video. I will have to show it to my son tomorrow. He will love it!

    I know what you mean about the blogging. Mine will be sporadic between now and Christmas. And visiting will be even more sporadic. So, in case I don't get another chance let me wish you Merry Christmas now! May you have a wonderful Christmas celebrating the season with your family!

    Take care my friend!

  9. well sis have a great time ..hope we connect somewhere over the holiday ...a very Merry Christmas..may God Bless you and Miles over this holiday ...may His love grow ...always remember we love you two

    and smiles
    and lots of love

  10. Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 17 Dec [LA 09:00pm] - 18 Dec [NY 12:00am, UK 05:00am, OZ 04:00pm] ).

  11. Good morning SWEETY!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Dont blame for taking time off!!!!!
    I cant believe that Christmas is only 1 week away!!!!!!
    I'm still working on my brooms with only 3 to do yet which I'll be finishing in a little bit!!!!!
    The hardest thing is trying to figure which one to give to which so I came up with a GREAT IDEA!!!!
    I made up CUTE tags from some of my DLs & will put numbers on them print them out in doubles than having them draw a tag from a hat & whatever number they get thats the broom they get!!!! LOL
    I'll get pictures up on blog after Christmas since they ALL read it!!!!
    TY so very much for this CUTE mini!!!!!!!!!!!
    Have A SAFE & MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    HUGE HUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Dear Barb,
    Thank you so much for the efforts you put into writing your blog. I love reading about your hobbies (bread making, designing, etc.) and seeing your marvelous photos.

    Thank you also for all the wonderful goodies you have designed and given to us over the many months that I've been reading your blog. You are amazing, generous and kind.

    And finally, thank you for your words of encouragement to us. I feel as if you are writing your blog for me especially.

    I hope you have a wonderful time off - regenerating your creative spirit and having a splendid time with your family over the Holidays.

    Thank you!

  13. What a fun Crazy-Christmas kit!! I know I can use it - thanks for sharing it!
    :) Mags

  14. I just want to take this time to wish you and Mr. Miles and allyour family a very blessed Christmas. You have been so generous throughout the year in sharing your talent and I feel so blessed by you.

    Enjoy some time off. Looking forward to your return in the New Year. Of course I will keep taking a peek at your blog in case you add something as I enjoy your chit chat.

  15. stopping in to say hi and can't blame you for taking a break. you will surely be missed but i look forward to another year of being your friend!! Thank you soooooo very much for ALL that you share in verses, encouragement, videos, photos, and all your AWESOME designs! HUGS!! Love you Barb!! Stay dry and warm and know that you are thought of often!!! Happy Holidays to you and Mr. Miles too!!! :D

  16. Many thanks for sharing your life and the goodies you create! May you have a blessed Christmas!

  17. Lovely wintry scenes - Christmas blessings to you and yours.

  18. Barb.. enjoy your time away from the computer during this festive season... please go out and take more pics of your beautiful lakes.. I love those that you are showing today, and would love to see more.. there's something about ice in a picture, you can just look at it for ages staring at the pretty patterns it forms.

  19. Wishing you and Mr. Miles a blessed Christmas together!

  20. hey barb, i wanna come there with you. we dont get snow. lol, on my way up. grab me a couch and ill be set

  21. Wahahaha! That's a great video! And as always I LOVE your photos! You take such breathtaking images. Makes me want to come out for a visit. Yes, everything is taking too long this holiday season it seems. I hope you and the Mister have a absolutely wonderful Christmas my friend.
    Lots of Love and Hugs!
    P.S. You better be at Bingo on Saturday or I'll hunt you down.

  22. Thank you so much for the beautiful gift!!! Your pictures of the lake and area around you are awesome, what a view. Thanks for sharing them with us.
    Wishing you a Merry Christmas!!!

  23. oh yes i am sure miles would love us both for that stunt

  24. AHH- my friend I hope you have a GREAT TIME OUT! Mine starts sort off today ;-)
    Wayne now on holiday - WHEEEEEEEEEE and I can't wait to spend some quality time with him either.

    BBBRRRRRRRRRRRR- it looks like ICE which means COLD- which means I'm allergic- BWAHAHAHAHA.
    LOVE your photo's!! Always stunning and I love looking at your world through them!

    Just popped in to say thinking of you and uhum-that *ice burg* might arrive SOONER than we spoke about- YIPPPPPPEEEEEEEEEEEE lol


  25. Oh and there is an award for you on me blog! :D Must have come from Santa! hehe There are no rules or stipulations, just please come by and pick it up!! then enjoy it, that's all! :D HUGS!


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