Monday, December 15, 2008

Our new church sign

YAY! Our church has a new sign - something that is funky, fresh and ... totally does NOT go with the look of our building at the current time LOL! To be honest, the facade of our building is aged and worn, with some of the lettering falling off... but there is a NEW spirit within and God has been blessing us - and we are beginning to dig ourselves out and bring about some welcome changes. It has been a year of great growth and renewal and it will be exciting to see what 2009 brings about. We desire to be a church that does not seek only to who comes in... but more importantly, who will 'go out' from our body as missionaries.

My multi-talented husband designed the sign - he'll be blushing I said so, but I can't help but show him off.

Speaking of churches etc...

I will link you here to an article I heard on NPR radio - did you know that (and this is a sign of our times) some churches and synagogues are planting GPS chips in their nativity displays - to help locate them when they get stolen? Truly - you can read all about it (or listen, just click on the little red speaker symbol at the top) by clicking HERE. Who'd have ever thought there would be Geo Caching for Jesus?

Layout by Judy (my SIL)
credits: Barb Derksen (me) Heart Music Kit

Love this layout of my niece Melissa and her guitar instructor strumming out a tune on the guitar Melissa recently recieved for her birthday. I am impressed how you cut her out, Judy - looks great!

Tag by Nina (my Sister!)
credits: Music note image design by Barb Derksen (me)
Burgundy cardstock from Nature Preserve Recycled cardstock,
DCWV- Clear Glitter paper,
Figgy Pudding Kringle Designer paper.
Unknown elastic cord.

It is so exciting to see my items used in a hybrid project. Really - it sort of makes it 'come to life' I always get a new appreciation for my items - seeing them used this way. Thank you Nina, for sharing! I suspect we may see more items coming from Nina's blog in the future. In fact... speaking of which, she'd asked me to make a 'gift kitty' for a project, so I whipped one up. Only... when I showed her, she said she wanted a birthday kitty, not a Christmas one, so I'm going to share this one with you.

I've put a watermark over kitty in this preview, but the download will not have it on. I do this to prevent pirating in the form of just downloading a jpg - so my terms of use are included in the download. I hope you enjoy this purr-fectly delightful little kitty.

personal use only

And while we are on the subjects of kitty's ... here's a quirky, funny, typical kitty video which you will get a giggle out of, I'm sure.


  1. Barb... You two are just amazingly talented.. I love the sign that Miles made for your church. AWESOME!

    The video cracked me up.. we use to have cats and they would crack me up. They really are funny little things.

    Oh my gosh... do we have snow.. I wanted to go out and take pictures of the beach but Robert wont let me.. he said the roads are ice.. and I saw someone trying to come up our hill and they couldn't make it. I will try and post what pictures I do have.
    Hugs.. Joy

  2. So cute, thank you. Hugs -- xoxo! (terri - hawaii)

  3. Good Evening Barb:)
    It's almost my bedtime but wanted to stop in to say Hi and thank you for stopping in to say hi too.:)
    Miles did a fantastic job on the new church sign.How cool!:)I am soo glad to hear things are going well in your church.:)
    Judy did a wonderful job on her layout too.Wonderful job on the extraction too!!
    I don't have time to stop by Nina's tonight so I will just tell her here how cool her tag is.:)I love it!
    Thank you for sharing your Christmas Kitty with us.:)How cute! Glad Nina wanted a b-day kitty instead!!:)
    I love your video..hehe. Our cat doesn't like to be held.She LOVES to be petted though.What's with that???? LOL's bedtime now and I am ready to get under those warm...cozy blankets and do some serious snoring.LOL


  4. I've been wondering WHERE in the Okanagan you were (having grown up in Kaleden) . . . your new church sign answered my question :) I enjoy the glimpses of home in your blog . . .

  5. I've been wondering WHERE in the Okanagan you were (having grown up in Kaleden) . . . your new church sign answered my question :) I enjoy the glimpses of home in your blog . . .

  6. Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 15 Dec [LA 09:00pm] - 16 Dec [NY 12:00am, UK 05:00am, OZ 04:00pm] ).

  7. Morning Sweety!!!!!!!!!
    TY so very much for the CUTE kitty!!!!!!!!!
    Got lots of work to get done to IE Christmas gifts!!!!!! LOL
    HUGE HUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Mr. Miles is very talented too i see!!! LOVE the sign!!
    Thank you for the kitty and video too!! CUTE!!!!!
    WoNDERFUL layout too!!! LOVE your blog, you know i do!! hehe Happy Holidays to you!! :D

  9. OOO love the new sign!!!!

  10. way to go Miles ...awesome sign for the church is an awesome place to visit ...Miles also leads praise and worship ...there ..if you ever get a chance get the two of them to take you there on a Sunday ..some very awesome people there. Thanks fo showing off my layout ..I love using your kits and ideas. cute kitty ...neat little to you soon

  11. Thanks for visiting my blog! I had heard that about the GPS chips in the Nativity scenes. I think my Dad told about it. Have a good day!

  12. Too funny! Thanks for brightening my day! Wishing you a joyous Christmas!


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