Friday, December 19, 2008

shhhh, I'm not really here. I don't see y'all or hear you (KIDDING) but I am just relaxing ... puttering around in a merry little tizzie. Aimlessly. Without a schedule. I just found this sweet little game - case you too, find yourself 'should be doing some task' but instead are wasting time. *wink* Can you beat my score?
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  1. Cute game - LOL - but I only played it a dozen times! My high score was 360, and my low score was 10!

  2. Oh darn you... got me hooked... I got 750 and thought I beat you... and came back and you were 2100 dang... lol

  3. Good morning Barb from freezing raining Pa!!!!!!!!!!!
    Just popping in to WISH YOU & YOUR FAMILY A SAFE & MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    HUGE HUGS TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Soooo how was your holiday?? What did you guys do, where did ya go, was St Nick good to you? Come on now, time to catch us up a bit!! :c)

    Thanks for stopping by to visit!! Come by any time, I love to visit :c)

    Pattie :c)
    Mazatlan Mexico


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