Monday, January 26, 2009

Cut the Thing!

It is our Pastor's Jim and Elaine's birthdays this month - so we 'baked' them a cake. Being as they are trying to watch their waists...

Yes, Royale as in Royal Toilet Tissue? *titter* Well see, we hosted a Birthday Breakfast beforehand, and who would want CAKE cake on top of all the pancakes and stuff, right?

And if that was not fun enough first thing on a Sunday morning, we all 'colored' during our morning service. We had all 64 crayons happening at once for a while there. A good time was had by all!


  1. sounds like an awesome time ...way to on the cake ...cute.

    your Pastor is so nice ...awesome man of God

  2. Were you in on the planning of this?!! What a rascally gal you are. I'm glad such a good time was had by all.

  3. LOL... you are too funny Mrs. Miles.. and what were you coloring?

  4. Love that diet cake!

    Don't leave us in suspense - what were you all colouring in?

  5. Good Morning Barb:) funny.:)
    I am with everyone else..What WERE you coloring?LOL Birthday wishes..etc???
    Oh..please tell me how I am suppose to dust under my house when I am holding it up with both hands!!Blow???LOL
    Gotta see if I can do a blog this morning before going to get some of that diet cake "tissue".LOL


  6. oh it sure does sound like a GOOD time!! you are always doing such WONDERFUL things for others! Thank you for sharing the FUN! Hope you have a TERIFFIC Tuesday! :D

  7. I guess that´s the kind of cake I need to eat...
    I love the pic of the drawing in church. Looks like fun!

  8. Good Morning Barb:)
    I just HAD to stop by and say Hi this morning.How can I have a bday without you? :) I'm gonna go make some hot lemon tea with honey and think of you while I drink it friend!!:)

    Love and hugs,


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