Friday, January 23, 2009

7 a.m.

8 a.m.

10 a.m.

Oh me of little faith (shaking finger at self!)

Ok, Weather People you are redeemed



  1. Sun glorious Sun :) lovely pictures, my my what beautiful frames. Thanks for sharing Sis.

  2. ooo gorgeous!
    wash the extra blankies, Im on my wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy....

  3. I love the labels on this post. It´s pretty clear you are happy about the sun! :)
    I´m glad you finally saw some sunshine!

  4. Told you I was sending some sun your way!

  5. Lovely photos! I stopped by from Bunny's blog to let you know that I thought the lil poem you wrote was a hoot - I loved it! :)

  6. so beautiful... yeah for you... but I think you took it from me... *grin* we are suppose to have rain this weekend.

  7. wow Barb ..awesome photos the frames did. Glad some one got some sunshine.
    well maybe you see you online tonight


  8. Good Morning Barb:)
    YAY!!! Sunshine!!! Finally!!!:)I love your pics and the progression throughout the morning.:)
    Okay..did you have to send the rain my way?LOL Everything's wet this morning.I may need to borrow your poem...which BTW is a very good one.:)I know what you mean sunshine for a long time is so depressing.:( You need to put a sunny pic on your desktop.I had a desktop pic one time of a creek with trees shading it and it actually made me feel peaceful seeing it.:)
    Hope you get lots of sunshine this weekend.:)

    Love and Hugs,

  9. OH HAPPY DAY!! i am sooo GLAD you got sunshine!!! i would get utterly depressed when we lived in the Chicago area, it is grey MOST of the winter season! just dismal! Your photos are BEAUTIFUL! Thank you for sharing! Hope you have a SUPER Saturday! HUGS! :D

  10. ROFL! You are such a HOOT girl!!! STUNNING photos and YAY for the SUNSHINE!

    I have to share. My good friend, Vicki, has flown from England to Southern California to attend the Winter CHA Convention and, bless her heart, if she did not land to a COLD and RAINY California after we'd just had a SOLID week of spring-like weather! I had even opened the windows! I DO hope she gets to see at least ONE day of California sunshine before she returns home.

    Thank you for sharing your BEAUTIFUL photographs and your LOVELY self! MWAH!

    Love and hugs,
    Linda *hearts*

  11. And we still have some sunshine here today as well. See, plenty to go around :)

  12. Amazing photos! I love the way they look on the black borders.

  13. Good Morning Barb:)
    Just popping in to say Hi:)Hope you have a wonderfully blessed day and the sun continues to shine for you.:)


  14. Yay! you got what you were waiting for lol!


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