There is not always a 'thaw' in January, nor do all spring-like days come in winter come in January. As the old-fashioned almanacs would put it, scattering the words down the page for January:
About - this – time – expect – several – warm – days.
Even if the 'about this time' were the last of February, the country people would regard it as 'our January that, only about a month late this year!'
The first of these warm days is often cloudy, and so misty and cloudy that the ground seems to steam. The snow that may have fallen two or three weeks ago is nearly melted. Then how slushy it is! - how 'disagreeable getting about' the older folks would say.
From St. Nicholas magazine, January 1904

Ohhh SO gray, gray - GRAY! I'm trying so hard to not let it get to me, but two weeks of THIS. Its bordering on ridiculous. I've always loved having SEASONS but I'm beginning to feel like a mushroom, I swear my skin is turning into paste! I still make myself get outside. I heard a broadcaster on CBC radio the other day and he was saying (not that I entirely agree with him) that great art is only made in anything other than happiness... so this depression SHOULD make me really artistically inclined. Well, it DID inspire me to write the following poem after yesterday's dreary walk:
grungey, brackish dirt exposed from beneath white scabs of retreating snow -
the soil giving off a sharp acrid reek, like a complaint
dull gray clouds pressing down petulantly into the valley
to meet the cold steely gray of ice on the lake
cold, scratching fingers of bare tree limbs standing forlorn
the air, sluggish and stubborn pushes to keep one indoors
outside, small birds feast furiously on whatever they might forage
hawks wait, there's a bird-eat-bird meaness in these half-dark days
a lone plane growls through the duskiness – like an insect trying to migrate to sunshine
day morphs into evening and then to night with very little discernment
dawn and dusk a mere shade darker than the day
longing for sunshine

This is what the weathermen/women say. But I know who's REALLY in control, so I'm taking it to the Lord in prayer...
God is mighty! He is able to deliver;
Faith can victor be in every trying hour;
Fear and care and sin and sorrow defeated
By our faith in God's almighty, conquering power.
Have faith in God, the sun will shine,
Though dark the clouds may be today;
His heart has planned your path and mine,
Have faith in God, have faith alway.
~ Author Unknown
And so, to brighten up YOUR day, I've created a second version of the Wreath Frame - Enjoy!
(and send SUN, please *wink*)
Awww! ((hugs)) I feel for you! I would love to trade the weather with you. You could have this ever shining, blazing sun and I would take all of your clouds with the rain and even snow!
ReplyDeleteBut then again..."God is mighty! He is able to deliver;
Faith can victor be in every trying hour"
I love that poem, it is so fitting for me right now. I really needed that!
Thank you for posting!
I wish I could send you some of the sun we had this week sis, alas we are heading into gray times as well. I have my fingers crossed that you get you predicted sun on Saturday. In the meantime, I send you hugs.
ReplyDeleteOh, I love the poem! SO beautiful and so true.
ReplyDeleteI wish I could send some sun your way. We have plenty of it right now. Last week I didn't think so, but now we have plenty. It's been cold, but I'm sure not nearly as cold as you have been.
Take care my friend. Remember Annie's song...
The sun'll come out
Bet your bottom dollar
That tomorrow
There'll be sun!
Well, it might not quite be tomorrow, but maybe a soon tomorrow!
Sending you some sunny hugs from Ireland.
ReplyDeleteJust think how much more you will appreciate those rays of sunshine when they finally reappear.
ReplyDeleteso I am not the only one feeling a bit "funkish".
{hugs} my friend. WE will get thru the funk, I feel it!
Hey Mrs. M. ... if it is any consolation, it is gray here today too, with the odd flake floating down! Gone our sunshine of the last couple of weeks. But snow ... we like snow.
ReplyDeletewell sis I can say honestly I know how you feel ...still gray here to. Soon they say ...ya right. But the Lord can deliver and He will. Thanks for the freebie and that smile will bring the sunshine.
Smermie! That poem is absolutely amazing... I wish I got the 'writing gene' passed down to me, but I believe it has skipped a generation!! Love you Too much..
ReplyDeleteYour Little Dotter
Oh sweet sweet Barb.. I hardly think that was a depressing post.. it made me laugh... (i am sorry). :)
ReplyDeleteYou totally amaze me young lady with all your talent.. now you are writing poems.
I heard that we have rain on the way .. blah!!
Well goodness sweetheart, I should have bottled up the spring-like weather we've had the past week and mailed it to you!
ReplyDeleteIt started raining last night and is supposed to rain through Sunday for which we are EVER thankful as our reservoirs are VERY low here in California!
Your poem KNOCKED the SOCKS off of me girlfriend and I can just bet there is LOTS more where that came from!!!
Thank you for the LOVELY, LOVELY treat Barb - I shall need to come back to download the first version!
Have a GORGEOUS and MOST glorious weekend sweetie! Off to beddy-bye I go ....
Love and hugs,
Linda :)
*sending tons of warm sunny shine from way down here*- I put it on that ice burg you sent this way- maybe you'll get the sun before it melts??- lol
ReplyDeleteAHHHH- girl, I would be feeling the same as you- no sun, no colour??- UHUM, yeah I think the doldrums are in order.
and WOW WOW WOW- your words have a KICK LIKE A MULE my dear friend! I felt like I was right there with you! AWESOME work!
Go put on something BRIGHT, light some candles, make Miles wear something LUMO just for a laugh- hee hee.
HUGS to you Barb and hoping this weekend brings you some SUN!
Thanks for the awesome frame too!
Morning Barb Sweety!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWe have a UFO showing thru today I hope it is for you too!!!!!!!!!
TY so very much for another GORGEOUS wreath!!!!!!!!!!!!
HUGE HUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The past few days it's been gray and dismal here so i am sorry i cannot send sun! But what a BEAUTIFUL poem it inspired, Barb! big HUGS!! (may not be sunny but hugs are warm!) :D
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for sharing another COOL wreath frame! Have a FANTASTIC Friday! :D
Sending you some sunshine. Although there is precious little here, any at all is enough to share.
ReplyDeleteI hope you see some welcome rays soon.
Girl, hang in there! You inspired me to do a sunny blog today! Feel free to come look... it's only pics! It might help ya feel a little better. Thank you for the freebie wreath! It's beautiful, and the first thing that caught my eye on digifree!
ReplyDeletewish we could share some of our sun from here in southern Alabama....thanks for the frame