Thursday, August 08, 2013

Soda Pop Can Card - a highly experimental project…

I get all these crazy ideas.  Well, probably we all do, but I kind of take them and run.  Take for instance this crazy card I made:



Seriously, I’d go to sleep at night thinking about this card idea.  I’ve been on a bit of a brain binge on ideas to recycle, re-use, up cycle… whatever you want to call it. I discovered I could easily cut a Soda/Pop Can/Tin (some differences in what you call it if you are from Canada or elsewhere) into sections and I’ve used the other bits in a myriad of projects but I was hankering to use that top for something profound. 




I left a little length (about 3/4 inch) on the top and cut little slashes all around so that I could then  lay the pieces flat and use them as an anchor behind the card face. (I had to hammer them nice and flat)  Yes, I invested quite a bit of time designing and cutting the face hole so the can JUST fit in snug.  Then I glued it in positon and stuck it to a cardstock 1/4 fold card base. 

Then it was the fonts, I used some black vinyl and made the tedious teeny-tiny letters and then the glitzy FIZZ letters cut out of glittery cardstock which I stuck on then drew in a shadow using a black sharpie.



Then I had to make the “glass, and the “Pop” itself.  The glass was made from some Glossy Accents …


The pop is some glittery Modge Podge my sister Nina left with me.  That stuff has been used for quite a few highly experimental and exciting projects since.

What’s the most unusual item you’ve used in a project?  Was it a success or fail?  I spent a great deal of time on this card, but I think even for the fun factor it was totaly worth it.

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